This Morning | Teen Ink

This Morning

December 8, 2014
By LeoLovelyD. BRONZE, Gulf Shores, Alabama
LeoLovelyD. BRONZE, Gulf Shores, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I get it if he was a coward or did something wrong, but please, do not call him a 'pussy' or tell him that he is acting like a girl. I'm totally all for calling someone out on their wrong doings, just don't use my gender as an insult."- Leo Davidson

This morning after I awoke, I laid inbed and stared at the ceiling for about two hours, trying to convince myself that there was a reason to get up. I could see from the corner of my unrelenting gaze, the bright green glow of the numbers that it was 4:07am, but I stayed still. Because it was a fight, just to force my body to move because when my mind is going back and forth, good vs bad, it almost paralyzes me.

It's like my whole body becomes numb and immune to everything around me whileinside my head, there is a war, a battle that I may never win because in a civil war, no matter the outcome of either side, you still lose because you are only fighting yourself. So, I lay there, almost lifeless in my mannerisms, my body argued with my mind.

"Y ou have to get up,"this, translated from the slight spasms from my legs,my body said, stressed to me, all the while, my mind begged me not to.

Slowly, I got to my feet, yet I did not standbut instead stared at the wall for a bit. It took everything inme not to flop lifelessly to the comforting hold of my pillow.

"There's no use, why get up? You'll just bother people because you'll never answer honestly when they asked you what's wrong or if you're okay. But you're right, they're just being polite. Just go back to sleep,"murmurs a littlevoice in the back of my mind.

And for a moment there, I almost let myself become weightless in the freefall of falling back into bed. Yet I knew that what the demons, no, my demons want, and I'll be damned if I give it to them.

The author's comments:

It gets hard, it really does. And sometimes, you don't want to get back up, but you have to. Because if you don't, you are only damning yourself to furthur despair. You are letting your depression win. You are letting your demons win. It doesn't matter if one day, your demons win, because winning doesn't really matter, it only matters if you fought or if you just let them win.

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