Cold Weather Friends | Teen Ink

Cold Weather Friends

November 16, 2014
By GoldenLatias6 BRONZE, Peachtree City, Georgia
GoldenLatias6 BRONZE, Peachtree City, Georgia
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Favorite Quote:
Friendship is like a miracle. When you make that special friend, the Miracles of Friendship surround you with magic and create a rainbow of love and harmony.

Amy Flora and Alexa Grink have been best friends since they met in preschool. They always loved working together on projects for school and love to do ice dancing together on the local skating pond.  It looked like nothing would come in between them. However, when they were 22, something did come between them…. competition.

The town they lived in was the location of the annual Alaska ice dancing competition. The winner would become part the next Winter Olympics ice dancing team for the USA, but the rules state there can only be one winner as in one skater. Amy and Alexa both wanted to win so badly, that it has strangled their friendship.

Instead of wishing luck to each other, they spat at each other. “I’m going to win!” shouted Amy. “The only thing you’ll get is a cold!” snapped Alexa. The two girls angrily stared at each other. The other ice dancers nearby backed away from the two girls. They do not intend of getting involved since they know better than to get involved in a catfight.

According to the program, Amy goes before Alexa does. When it was Amy’s turn, Alexa puts her foot out and trips her. Amy gives her a mean look and goes out onto the iced lake.

The spotlight shined on Amy as her dazzling icy blue dress glistened in the light. The crowd cheered for her twirls and jumps. The judges love how she did a double back flip. Alexa watched her and was greener with envy than her dress is green. That’s when she came up with a sneaky plan. Alexa put on skates and skated out onto the ice lake triple spin. The judges and audience look at her in surprise and awe.

Amy saw what Alexa was up to and did a wide jump over her. Alexa did a one-leg skate. The judges and the audience look in awe. They think this is a surprise duet performance that the girls came up with. They are unaware that the girls are fighting over the spotlight. Pretty soon, the two girls get really angry and start to argue while skating in a circle on the ice.

“How could you do this to me?!” spats Amy. “How could you do this to me!?” yelled Alexa. The two continued to spat as they spin in circles in the ice hold each other on the shoulder. “Frozen Snow Queen!” “Green-Eyed Monster!” “Blondie!” “Red-head!” “Ice eyes!” “Prima donna!” “Spotlight hogger!” “You’re just jealous!” The two girls let go of each other and stop spinning on the ice. “Give up?” shouted Alexa. “Never!” yelled Amy. The audience and the judges realize that these two are really arguing, but some think they’re just acting.

Alexa skates backwards and does a double back flip and lands with a leg split. The audience cheers. Amy then places her gold tiara in front of her eyes, blinding her. She does a speed skate and jumps really high while performing all kinds of twirls. Alexa watches with worry and fear. Some kids start to bite their gloves since they can’t bite their nails underneath. A few try not to look as others hold each other in their arms. When Amy descends for landing, she lands on a stray red ribbon she starts to skate uncontrollably. Alexa watches in fear as her friend falls down and slides to the end of the lake. The spotlight switches off. Everyone watches in suspense.

Amy got up with a sad face and takes off her tiara. Alexa skates over to her. “Are you all right?” She asked. “I think so….” said Amy. The two girls realized that they were acting like big jerks and couldn’t believe that they let the competition mess up their friendship. “I’m sorry,” said Alexa. “Me too,” said Amy. “Friends?” “Best friends,” Alexa said with a smile. “Say, do you want to give them the finale?” “Actually, we’ll give them the grand finale!” exclaimed Amy. The two best friends hugged each other.

They then grabbed their dance ribbons and skated together side-by-side on the lake as the ribbons wave in the distance. They spun around several times on the lake as the ribbons spun up in the air in beautiful ringlets. They then do their special move: the Double Heart. They skated into a formation and created a double heart skate on the ice. The audience cheered as the judges all held up 10 cards, giving the girls a perfect score.

The girls won the contest together and both got part of the Winter Olympics team with the name “Skating Princesses”, where they’ll compete in the duet skating together. The two girls hug each other. Their friendship still continued on even after they became adults. They still get into arguments, but they never argue on competitions because they know what the competition can do to them. The two won duet skating contests together and won the gold in the Olympics. The two of them still remember the night of the big competition as teens, and how they learned that it’s better to work together rather than against each other to achieve dreams.

The author's comments:

Amy and Alexa are best friends who live in a town in Alaska. They love ice skating together. But when the big ice dancing competition comes, the girls' friendship is strangled. Can these two make-up and become the stars of the show?

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