15 things I learned from being in a long distance relationship | Teen Ink

15 things I learned from being in a long distance relationship

November 19, 2014
By TallyMoussa BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
TallyMoussa BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

1. Don’t go back to him. You will miss him, you’ll miss him more than you miss taking naps in Kindergarten but do not go back to him. It’ll take awhile to get over him and some days you think you’ll be stuck on him. You won’t.

2. When he calls you at 3 in the morning and you know he’s drunk, Don’t answer. Don’t answer his call because though you’re hoping he’ll tell you he misses you and wants you back, he won’t. He doesn’t miss you, he just wants to see if you’ll answer to make sure he still has control over you. Don’t answer, shut off your phone, go back to bed.

3. Take all of his things he sent you in the mail, put them in a box and return them back to him. Don’t tell him you’re going to rip everything up or burn all his clothes. You aren’t a seventh grade girl dealing with a middle school break up, you’re a 17 year old woman who is dealing with her first heartbreak.

4. Delete his number, unfriend him on facebook, block him on Twitter, unfollow his instagram. Do anything you need to do to never contact him again. The urge to check his tweets or like some of his instagram pictures will still be there but don’t let him have the satisfaction of knowing you couldn’t unfollow him. You can.

5. When 4 months pass and your summer is winding to a close, don’t be sad. Don’t think about how last year at this time you were starting the school year after spending 2 months with him and facetimed each other after every school day. Think about the upcoming Volleyball season and that cute new Senior football guy who smiled at you while walking into the building this morning. Think about the present, not the past.

6. When its September and homecoming is approaching fast, go. Go with friends, go with a guy, go by yourself. But don’t sit at home like you did your Junior year and miss out again. Go have fun.

7. His sweet words and promises only mean so much. His goodnight texts will turn into a simple “Goodnight babe” instead of his famous “I love you so much..” goodnight texts. That’s okay. Let them. His promises will mean nothing at the end of the relationship because he never intended on keeping them. That is also okay. You don’t need him.

8. Your family members will ask about him. Your friends, your teachers, your coaches, everybody that knew of him will ask about him every now and then. Don’t get mad at them because they asked about him; talk to them. Tell them the last thing he ever said to you was “I’m sorry”. Tell them how much you miss him, tell them everything. They want to know.

9. Just because he said “forever” doesn’t mean he meant it.

10. When he cheats on you with his best friend, don’t do the same thing. That will only lead you to trouble. Accept his apology, tell her to f*** off, tell them everything you want. Get everything off your chest. But don’t give him a second chance because he was drunk. He knew what he was doing.

11. The time will come where you don’t feel a thing for him anymore. The time will come where if he tried to come back, you will curve him. That’s good. That is better than good. It’s wonderful.

12. If he shows up to your house wanting to fix everything, slam the door shut. Slam the door and yell for your brother. Tell your brother who is on your porch then let your brother handle it from there.

13. At 1 AM and the alcohol is taking a toll on you, don’t go to him. He’s in town for baseball, not for you. He just wants to mess around with you while he’s in town, don’t let him. Get drunk. Dance with friends then go home to your room and lock the door.

14. All of the silly things you would do with each other though there was a 14 hour drive between the two of you will slowly start to fade. Let them.

15. You will move on. It won’t be right away, but you will. When you do, celebrate. Go to a party, go to a park and swing, do a happy dance. Be proud of yourself

The author's comments:

I spent 11 months of my sophmore year with a guy a grade above me who lived 14 hours from my house. I met him through twitter where LDRs are all the rage. When it came down to it, luck was not on our side. There were a lot of things that could've gone right but went way left. This piece means a lot to me because i've been writing it since march of 2014 and now in november of 2014, it's finished. And so are my feelings for him. 

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