A Wasted Life | Teen Ink

A Wasted Life

November 12, 2014
By annavymetal BRONZE, Grinnell, Iowa
annavymetal BRONZE, Grinnell, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Scene I, Act I
(Takes place in a bedroom, Maurice is sitting on the edge of the bed, enter Todd)

Maurice: Todd, we really need to talk.
Todd: (Sits next to Maurice on bed) Alright, what about?
Maurice: I’ve been thinking…That maybe...maybe we should give… (Stops mid sentence because of sadness)
Todd: We should give what, Maurice? To whom?
Maurice: I think we need to give this baby up for adoption.
Todd: (Shots up from bed) What? How can you think that? what brought this on?
Maurice: I’m sorry, but I don’t think that we have the resources to take care of a child. We aren’t even married yet, you know how my parents feel about having children out of wedlock. Besides -- (Is cut off my Todd)
Todd: (Cuts off Maurice) Who gives a damn about what your parents think! I thought this was settled! We own a house, Maurice, I have a career and you think you can tell me that we don’t have the resources to take care of a child?
Maurice: Todd please -- (Is cut off again)
Todd: (Cuts off Maurice again) No, Maurice, let me speak! The baby you are carrying is mine as much as it is yours, I should have a say in whether or not we raise it, and I’m saying no!
Maurice: (Stands up to face Todd) I can’t believe I’m hearing this! I know it’s your baby, too, Todd, but when I made a commitment to give birth. I never committed to raising it.
Todd: Make you? I did not make you do anything! You know damn well that that decision was mutual! 
Maurice: Don’t bring my parents up, they have nothing to do with this.
Todd: You’re right, I’m sorry. I...I just don’t want to give my child away to some strangers…
Maurice: I’m sorry, Todd, it’s just the way it has to be.
Todd: But, why Maurice?
Maurice: Don’t pry.
Todd: No, I’m prying. You are almost in the third trimester and you’re just now deciding on this? Christ, Maurice we nearly have the nursery finished. I’m not buying this.
Maurice: You don’t have to buy anything. I’ve taken care of everything -- I’ve found potential couples and agencies I’d like to go through. Everything is practically finalized.
Todd(Sinking feeling) You did all this...behind my back.
Maurice: Don’t look so dejected, Todd. I would’ve liked to make this decision in front of your back and included you, but seeing how you’re reacting to all of this, I knew that would’ve been a bad idea.
Todd: (Sits back down and holds his head) I can’t believe I’m hearing this. I’m going to be sick.
Maurice: Todd, just please leave it.
Todd: (Doesn’t respond but instead shakes his head “no.”)
Maurice: (Obviously frustrated) Why can’t you just accept the fact that we’re too young, don’t have enough money, and just plain not ready for this?
Todd: (Looks up) Why? You’re asking me why I can’t accept this?
Maurice: Yeah.
Todd: Because, Maurice. Because you’re almost full-term and just now bringing this up. Because I wasn’t even included in looking up adoption agencies -- you did that all behind my back.
Maurice: I told you I would’ve liked to involve you in everything.
Todd: (Getting angrier) Well, you didn’t include me, that’s the point I am trying to make here!
Maurice: You can’t force me to raise a child I don’t want to raise.
Todd: (Says nothing but instead stares at Maurice.)
Maurice: You can’t, Todd.
Todd: I never said I could.
Maurice: So let me have this. Please.
Todd: I don’t think that I can… I’m sorry.
Maurice: (Sits down and looks at Todd) Is this how it’s going to be? Todd, you can’t expect me to raise a child that I don’t want to raise, marry you, and be happy. Raising a child in those circumstances would be cruel. I do not want this child anymore.
Todd: I was under the impression that you were happy, Maurice. What changed? Or, did anything change?
Maurice: Assumption is what kills relationships…
Todd: What are you saying, Maurice….
Maurice: (Gets up and walks towards the door) Exactly what you think I’m saying.
Todd: Maurice, don’t go please-
Maurice: I’m sorry, Todd. Goodbye. (Walks out the door, closing it behind her).
Todd: (Ends the scene with Todd still sitting on the bed, holding his head sadly.)

(Lights fade out completely.)

Scene II, Act I
(This scene takes place later on, about three months later. Maurice has had their baby after all this time and Todd has been living on his own. The setting for this scene is in a well-decorated living room).

Maurice: (Walks through front door, as if the events from three months ago never happened) Hello?
Todd: (Enters the room) Maurice…
Maurice: Hi, Todd. I came back to apologize for what happened three months ago. I hope you can forgive me for how I left you. I thought we could give us another chance…
Todd: You’re not pregnant anymore, I see.
Maurice: No, I’m no longer pregnant.
Todd: And where is my child?
Maurice: Todd, are we really still arguing about this after all this time?
Todd: Answer the question, Maurice.
Maurice: (Sits down and beckons to Todd to sit down, as well)
Todd: (Sits down next to Maurice)
Maurice: I had the baby while I was on my own. He was adopted by a wonderful family from Minnesota.
Todd: I have a son?
Maurice: No, Todd. The Englewood’s have a son. You are not the baby’s father anymore; that’s kind of how adoption works.
Todd: How can you be so nonchalant about this? You couldn’t even call me when you were going into labor? I would have at least liked to see my son.
Maurice: They adopted him right out of the hospital. I really don’t know what to tell you.
Todd: (Gets up from the sofa and starts pacing around the living room) Did it ever occur to you that I could have adopted him? You wouldn’t have had to raise him and I would have my child.
Maurice: You know, Todd, not everything is about you.
Todd: No, but this particular situation is about me.
Maurice: (Says nothing but stares at Todd)
Todd: What, now you have nothing to say?
Maurice: (Still says nothing)
Todd: Why did you even come here today, anyway?
Maurice: I was just trying to be nice and check on you. I wanted to start things over again, but I can see that’s going to be impossible.
Todd: I can’t believe you. After you give my child away, you still have the gall to ask if we can start things over again? You think a simple “I’m sorry” will fix all the hurt you’ve caused me?
Maurice: That’s right.
Todd: Get out of my house right now. Never contact me again.
Maurice: (Stands up) If that’s what you want, then fine.
Todd: Go.
Maurice: (Walks to the door and leaves the house)
Todd: (Ends the scene with him watching through the window as she leaves).

(Fade lights.)


Scene III, Act I
(Once again, this is a scene that takes place in the future -- 18 years to be exact. This starts with Todd knocking on the door to an upper middle class house. A young man named Ezra answers the door.)

Todd: (Knocks on the front door of the house)
Ezra: (Answers the door) Can I help you?
Todd: Are you Ezra Englewood? 
Ezra: (Skeptically) Yeah..?
Todd: I’m Todd Freeman. 18 years ago, a woman gave a baby up for adoption -- that baby was you. Ezra, I’m your birth father.
Ezra: (Yells into the other room) Mom?
Todd: Rather or not you believe me, I’m your birth father. I have been searching for you for years…
Mrs. Englewood: (Rushes to the front door) Ezra, what’s the matter? Who is this man?
Ezra: Mom, he’s saying that he’s my birth father.
Mrs. Englewood: (Has a panicked expression as she stares at Todd) My god, he’s the spitting image of you.
Todd: I imagine this must be a hard thing for the both of you to accept, but may I come in? I would like to talk to my son for the first time in his life.
Mrs. Englewood: (Reluctantly) I suppose… But, I need to stay in the room.
Todd: Do what you must, I just need to speak to Ezra.
Mrs. Englewood: (Lets Todd inside the house)
Todd: (Walks into the house and sits down) Please, Ezra, sit. Tell me about yourself?
Ezra: (Slowly sits down across from Todd) Um… okay. What do you want to know?
Todd: Anything and everything. I want to know who you are. What have you done in the past 18 years?
Ezra: (Looks to Mrs. Englewood for support)
Mrs. Englewood: (Nods at Ezra)
Ezra: Well… I’m a good student, I suppose. I’ll be attending NYU for medicine next fall, which should be cool. Other than that, I haven’t really done anything I suppose.
Todd: Med school? My son is going to be a doctor…
Mrs. Englewood: Mr. Freeman, I should probably stop you there. He isn’t your son, he’s the son of my husband and I.
Todd: Right…
(The front door opens, interrupting the conversation. Enter Mr. Englewood)
Mr. Englewood: Hello, everyone. Oh… who is that? (Gestures to Todd)
Mrs. Englewood: Hi, honey. You may want to sit down.
Mr. Englewood: (Sits down and stares at Todd)
Mrs. Englewood: Honey, this is Todd Freeman, Ezra’s birth father.
Mr. Englewood: I don’t understand. How did he find us?
Mrs. Englewood: Well… we didn’t sign that no contact form the agency offered to provide.
Mr. Englewood: Oh…
Todd: Hello, sir. I’m-
Ezra: (Interrupts Todd) Where’s my birth mother?
Todd: Your birth mother and I haven’t spoken in to each other in 18 years. I don’t know where she is.
Mr. Englewood: Well, why don’t you speak to each other?
Todd: Well… It’s a long story, really.
Ezra: Tell me. I do have a right to know.
Todd: (Sighs audibly) Well, alright… When she and I were getting ready to have you, she decided out of nowhere that she wanted to give you up for adoption. She wanted to give you up, she went as far as going behind my back to get everything finalized. I never wanted to give you up, so after she told me you were adopted, I told her to never contact me again. She has done an incredible job keeping that promise.
Ezra: So, what made you want to track me down and give me a visit?
Todd: I wanted to see you for the first time. I wasn’t able to see you after you were born, so I devoted the past 18 years trying to find you. I don’t know that this changes your life or anything, but I would like to be in contact with you, if you want.
Ezra: (Turns to his parents and shakes his head “no”) No, I don’t think I want to have further contact with you. I’ve gone my entire life without my birth parents, I can continue like that for the rest of my life.
Mrs. Englewood: I think you should take that as your signal to leave, Mr. Freeman.
Todd: (Nods somberly) Ah. Right, then. I guess I should leave.
Mrs. Englewood: That would be best.
Todd: (Looks at Ezra longingly before entering the stage.)

(Fade lights and close curtains.)

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