The Last Piece Of Candy | Teen Ink

The Last Piece Of Candy

October 1, 2014
By xaveyon BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
xaveyon BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never take someone for granted

Today is my first day of 5th grade my name is Sammy Young. I don't really talk much I am very smart my teacher Mrs.Johnson is the worst.There are fourteen of us  Mike, Timmy, Frank, Debby ,Ryan, Mark, Mary ,Amy ,Jessica ,Jock Felicia, Matthew, Tom ,Bob and me. there is this one kid that does not like nobody his name is frank he 5’2 has freckles and braces.When he has to do a math problem on the board he sits there until Mrs.Johnson comes and helps him. But one day when we were in the classroom Mrs.Johnson was giving out candy for the ones who had their homework but I couldn't find mine then Frank had his but I found mine and I ran to her to get my candy.It was the last piece of candy he was so mad that he flipped his desk he threw his books and walked to me and said you will pay for that and vanished into the hallway.

The next day I was walking down the hall and I seen Frank he said to me I wouldn't go in the classroom if I were you. I asked why? He said because you shall see when u get there. I ran to the bathroom and laid in the stall and cried. I was so scared I didn't know what to do so I
stayed there until the bell rang and went to lunch. Everyone was like Sam Frank is looking for you. I asked Emily why was he looking for little ole me she said because you took the last piece of candy. After lunch I went to tell Mrs.Johnson that Frank was bullying me. She said we shall take this too principle doodle.

We are walking down the hallway to the principal's office and Frank looks at me and spits in my face. I wiped it off and keep walking we are finally in Mr.Doodles office and he ask us what is the problem.I say he doesn't like me all because of a stupid piece of candy.Mr.Doodle ask is that true Frank says no it is not me and Sam are best friend.!!! I scream too the top of my lungs.Mr.Doodle says well y'all take it easy see y'all later.We start walking back to class and i ask Frank why did you lie too Mr.Doodle.? Cause I can don't worry about what i do just know that I am still gonna get you don’t think I forgot.
Finally I make it to the classroom Mrs.Johnson is teaching and next thing you know Frank pulls my chair from under me and I fall in the floor everyone laughs at me. I ran out of the classroom face full of tears all the way to the bathroom.Mrs.Johnson chases me down and grabbed me and says it is okay don't cry he maybe a bully but don't let that get to you. I try but it is so hard for me I am a nerd I don't think I wanna live anymore. Don't say that you are a very smart student .So she took me back to the class and had snack time I went to wash my hands I came back and drank my juice.Then Frank said hahahaha I feel bad for you.! I said why..? He said cause I put some rat poison in your drink.

I fell to the ground holding my stomach I got up and  ran to the nurse’s office she told me to call my mom. I did then she rushed to the school to get me. I raced to the car she sped off to the hospital. The doctor said I may die cause there was so much poison in my system there was nothing he could do.So I cried the next 3 days It got worst. Then the fourth night after I fell asleep and I never woke up again!!!   

The author's comments:

sammy gets real sick find out what happens

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