Loss of Day, Loss of Life | Teen Ink

Loss of Day, Loss of Life

June 25, 2014
By VictoriaR. BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
VictoriaR. BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"'You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb in his skin and walk around in it." -Atticus Finch/Harper Lee

The daylight dwindles through my squinted eyes. The quivering that once consumed my body has ceased, and the water ahead has calmed. I can smell the pungent aroma of salt emanating from the sand and sea, though it no longer brings me joy.

I glance side to side and am greeted with no company whatsoever. Does no one understand? Did no one see?

They were my last moments with her; not witnessed by anyone and will therefore be completely lost when the haze of my subconscious forsakes them, inevitable with time.

My sandy hair has plastered itself to my face, unwilling to move, unable to comply. I inhale, absorbing my sorrows, regrets, and failures.

I take two steps forward, one for her, one for me.

One more. Just for her.

The water welcomes me readily, and collects around my ankles, travelling up my legs, reaching my knees, waist. When my shoulders are submerged, I breathe one last time.

This is for you, Mom. I willingly join my mother, closing my eyes, the blissful sunset my last memory of life.

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