One Last Race | Teen Ink

One Last Race

May 23, 2014
By Kyler Magnus BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
Kyler Magnus BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“Hey everyone one, Its Tony Bettel here at the world rally cross in the Ostberg Mountain range. Up next is the young superstar Evan Colemen in his HKS Toyo Tire Ford Fiesta.” Deep in the forest of the mountain, Evan sat in his car waiting to start his 30 mile race down the mountain. His 650 horsepower rallycar sat vibrating from the huge engine that was crammed into such a small car. Evan was breathing heavy as he was nervous for his run. This course was dangerous and three people had died on it. He thought about all the things he had to do to get him to this point. How he had to borrow money from bad people so he could afford his team and car. If he were to disappoint, then they would surely end him.
The men who gave him money are mobsters that make money from drugs and smuggling illegal items into the U.S. from around the world. The men have other racers in both the pro circuits and the underground street racing circuits. Money is given to a driver who they see potential in, and a large percentage of winnings go back to the mob. Many of their drivers that lose are never heard from again, either they go prison for some crime they didn’t commit or they are killed.
Even though borrowing money from these guys is a bad idea, it was Evan’s only option. Evan’s dad was an old stock racer who opened an auto shop when he retired. Evan worked at his dad’s shop and that’s where Evan found his passion for cars and racing. As a kid he went from go carts, to stock cars, to drift, then to rally. As Evan’s dad got older he got sick and had medical bills, therefore the shop started to fail. Evan’s dad died and the shop was being foreclosed and Evan didn’t know what to do. When Evan was really down out of options he went to the mob so he could make enough money to survive, and hopefully one day open up his dad’s shop again.
Back on top of the mountain Evan waited in his car. The official gave him the all clear and he waited for the light to turn green. “Beep beep beeeep” the light turned green and Evan floored it. Ears would ring as his exhaust roared. Flames shot out of his tail pipe, his tires losing traction and burned out shooting dirt at the fans and officials. The car jolted and Evan was doing 65 miles an hour in under 3 seconds. He slammed through gears and went through the first turn.
The race was on and Evan had to beat a 19 minute time that Ruben Costina made earlier that morning. Evan was killing it as he was power sliding through corners and flying down the mountain. It was a beautiful summer day and there were hundreds of fans watching the race. Evan was faster than Ruben and was coming up to a big switch back. As he was racing down the mountain Ruben walked through the forest up to where Evan was driving and threw out some sharpened bolts on to the track. Ruben then crept back into the forest and went down to his car.
Evan hooked a left then slammed on the gas and shifted into 4th gear. He was going about 110 when he approached the bolts. He saw them right as they went under his car, but it was too late. Tires on the car popped and the car started to roll over. It flew into the trees upside down with Evan still held as he was strapped into his five point harness. Smack! Crack! Thunk! The Ford hit a tree and fell to the ground upside down. The engine caught on fire and Evan, dazed and confused, tried to unbuckle. He could now hear sirens and he slowly closed his eyes and passed out.
Evan opened his eyes to find himself to be in a Norwegian hospital bed. He looked around. His eyes hurt from the bright sunlight. He started to try and move around a little bit and then looked down to see he was handcuffed to the hospital bed, he panicked and tried pulling his arm away but nothing happened. Soon after a man came in with a coffee, he was in slacks, button up shirt and a tie. Evan looked down to see an FBI badge and a standard issue 9mm hand gun on his hip.
The man said, “Hello there Evan, how are you feeling? I hope good, so we can get you back to the States. I am Officer Johnson and you have been charged with smuggling of illegal drugs and the theft of 2 million dollars to pay for your race car. Tomorrow we are going to take you back to the States where you will have your trial, and will be sentenced to about 5 years in prison. Now any questions?”
Evan spoke up, “This is all wrong. I didn’t steal or smuggle anything sir. This is a set up! I borrowed money from the wrong people. I swear that’s all I did.” Evan started to sweat, his heart rate increased, he thought maybe this was a dream and he could wake up, but it was not a dream.
Officer Johnson Chuckled and said, “No son this is not a dream, and enough excuses. We found all the evidence at your house. It’s done.” Evan passed out again and Officer Johnson put him on a flight back to the States. Evan was tried in upstate New York and sent to prison down near Tampa, Florida.
During Evan’s first years of prison he didn’t know anyone and was constantly beat up and bullied around the yard. He tried to keep to himself to avoid any confrontation. It wasn’t until about the third year Evan made some friends. It was with a group of guys that were into racing and knew who he was from his racing career. One of the guys, William Scott, worked on a NASCAR pit crew and was a great mechanic. He got in a fight with the driver because he was sleeping with his girlfriend. Will was charged with assault. Another one of the guys Aiko Soto was on the drift circuit for a while and is really tech savvy. He was locked up for drunk driving and was doing 130 in a school zone. It took the cops two hours to catch him. And the last guy Tony Bolitesa was born in Sant'Agata Bolognese, Italy where his father test drove cars for Lamborghini. Tony moved to the States to meet a nice American girl, but it didn’t work out. He now has countless restraining orders and was charged with stalking and sexual harassment. He still thinks it was just flirting.
Evan felt lucky to find a group of guys that shared his same passion for cars and racing. The four of them spent hours and hours going on about which car was better, or what car they would get when they got out. For the first time since his father died Evan felt like he had a family. Prison life got easier as He had a group he could count on, and he felt a little safer when anyone tried to mess with him. The four of them would go to the prison library and read books on cars, racecar drivers and history of the auto industry. The guys meant a lot to Evan.
Two years later Evan walked out of the prison with all of his belongings. It was a warm sunny morning. Evan put his Oakley sunglasses on and started walking. He looked up to see thirty feet from him stood a very attractive brown haired girl with black Ray Band sunglasses. She was wore brown boots, skinny jeans and a jean colored button up shirt. What Evan was more drawn to was she was leaning against a Porsche 918 Spider. This super car didn’t come out for another month.
She called over to him, “Hey Evan do you need a ride?” Evan was confused and kind of wanted to be alone. He kept walking right past her and her car. She called to him and said “do you want to stop the mob and get Ruben?”
Evan stopped and looked back. He thought about it. By the time he was done thinking the girl had already got in her car and drove up along side him. She asked, “Just get in I can help you.” Evan got in the car and they drove north.
The girl said “I’m Norah Andrews, I’m with the FBI.”
Evan looked back at her with a shocked face “Woah! I just did my time, I don’t want to go back.”
Norah chuckled, “Hey you won’t get in trouble, but I need your help taking down the Mob. The driver Ruben who made you crash is now working with them and is smuggling stolen items across the border of Mexico. I need you Evan.”
Evan shook his head “I’m not sure I want to do this. I want to go home and find a way to open my dad’s garage up.”
Norah said “What home? Your home was foreclosed and your dad’s garage has been too. If you drive for us I see to it that you get your house and your dad’s garage back.
Evan said in a firm voice, “Fine, what do I need to do?”
The two of them drove to Tallahassee to the FBI headquarters where they sat down and discussed the details. Norah, Evan and Officer Johnson sat down in a briefing room and started to discuss the plan of action. The mob leaders are good at hiding and the FBI can’t find them. They need to bring the leaders out of hiding to catch them. Evan is to work his way up racing the underground circuit, and the more wins he gets the closer to the big race called the ARK race which Ruben will be racing in. There is a 13 million dollar prize. At the end of final race the mob leaders will arrive to present the money to the winner. There will be an FBI team that will go in and arrest the mob leaders Anthony, Daniel, Giovanni and Ruben. Evan will work his way up racing different types of races that are all around the world. Norah talked about how they will assign him a team to help with the cars.
Evan said, “NO! I have a team in mind.”
Later that day William, Aiko, and Tony were picked up and sent to Tallahassee where they agreed to work with the FBI, and they all get a cut of the 13 million dollar prize.
As they all met up and were debriefed Norah said, “I will be accompanying you guys the whole time.
They all nodded their heads and Tony approached her, kissed her hand and said
“I can’t wait to get to know you,” and winked.

Norah with a fake smile said, “Thank you for that… you’re too kind.”

The First race was in South Beach, Florida. The street race would take place right along the ocean. This race was for muscle cars only, and Evan needed a car. Officer Johnson said the FBI would pick him up a brand new Camaro, but Evan and the guys said no. they could handle getting the car. William said, “All I need is a key to MCR motorsport.”

Officer Johnson looked confused but Norah answered, “Yes we can do that.”
Will replied, “Perfect all we need is a truck.”
A day later Will, Aiko, and Tony snuck into the MCR building and stole one of the 800 horsepower motors and a racing chassy. They snuck back out and drove back to the FBI headquarters. While the team of ex-cons were stealing stuff from Will’s old racing team, Evan and Norah picked up a not running 1970 Dodge Charger. At the end of the night they met back up at the FBI headquarters in Tallahassee.
The FBI had a garage area set up for the guys to build the car. The Charger was old and didn’t run. The guys merely took the body of the charger and put it on the racing chasse and threw in the 800 horsepower racing motor and a racing transmission. They stripped the car to bare bones building a roll cage inside for extra support. The FBI came in and put in a tracking devise so they could keep eyes on where Evan is going. After the car was lowered with black alloy wheels and racing suspension, they painted the car black and put red Daytona stripes on the back quarter panels. The car was finished; Evan and Norah drove to South Beach.
The two arrived in South Beach the next morning. It was spring break week in South Beach, and there were college kids everywhere drinking and partying. Norah and Evan went to check into the hotel and then got some food. The race was that night at 4:00pm and Evan didn’t want to be late. Evan was feeling a little nervous, he hasn’t raced since Sweden. Norah was nervous as well, she didn’t think Evan was ready for this big of an operation. The only thing he did was drive. Evan and Norah finished lunch and had some time left over, so they went across the street from the café they were at to the beach. They found a spot where the tide reached their toes and talked.
Norah said with a soft voice, “Are you ready? I know this is a lot to handle, but I’m counting on you.”
Evan looked across the ocean and said “This is what I need to do to get my dad’s garage back. That’s all I ever wanted to do is make my dad proud. I mean I know he wouldn’t be proud that I borrowed money from the mob, he would rather me make an honest living.”
Norah looked at him and said, “I know your dad would be proud of what you’re doing right now.”
The two of them got up, and went to the starting line of the race. There was a large group of people gathered around the lined up cars. In the first row there was a large balled guy driving a 65 Shelby Mustang. To the right of him a yellow and black 2009 Camaro SS and behind him was a glossy Orange 2014 Challenger SRT 8, and a deep blue 1970 Chevy Chevelle SS. Evan rolled up in the third row next to a brand new 2015 Mustang Roush stage 3.
Evan and Norah sat there and waited till the clock struck Four and a girl came to the front of the line. Everyone revved their engines. The girl with short shorts and a tank top counted to down from three and pointed to go.
In a split second every one left off the break and the ground shook as thousands of horsepower was released and tires spun. All six cars rocketed away as the 65 Mustang took first and the rest followed. Evan took last. He was okay with that but Norah looked confused.
They approached the first turn on the city streets, Evan turned in on the inside and passed the Roush Mustang. After that he stepped on the gas hard and the weight of the car went to the back tires. Both Evan and Norah were sucked to the back of their seats. The car was doing over a hundred in only 5 seconds. Evan passed the Chevelle and Challenger within seconds. He grabbed the wheel a little tighter and pulled the shift knob into fourth gear. The race pushed on as Evan was third, all he needed to do was pass the Camaro and the 65 Fastback.
As the racers reached the final straightaway to the finish, Evan was neck and neck with the two other cars. Norah questioned if Evan could beat them and she started to lose faith. Norah took a sigh and Evan chuckled a little bit. He then down shifted then flew by the two other cars winning the race. Norah said with smile on her face “Not bad kid, two more to go.” The rest of the team met them at the finish line.
When Evan stopped the 65 Mustang pulled up next to him. The large muscular bald man got out of his car. Evan looked scared. The man nodded his head and gave him a package. The man then walked back to his car and drove away into the night. The two of them, Evan and Norah opened the package and inside was a GPS device with the next race location on it. There was also a note that said “12:00pm, April 21.” The group and Norah went back to the motel to debrief.
The group sat around a table outside. Norah with a smile, “Good job guys! The next race is at Zion National park in Utah.
Aiko with a confused voice, “Utah? Why in Utah?”
Evan spoke up, “big open roads,” And the group of guys smiled and nodded their heads. They all knew what was coming. Big open roads meant high speeds.
The next morning the group drove to the local Army base and loaded the car and gear in to a massive C-17 airplane and flew to Utah. They landed at the Hill Air Force Base in north Utah. Evan and Norah got into the charger and the 3 guys got into a SUV with Officer Johnson. They wanted to get there early to check out the track. Three hours later they were at the start of the race. There were less people gathered around the starting line. The race was on an old highway that was 12 miles to the interstate junction where the finish line was.
Evan and Norah sat waiting for the start of the race. They Evan looked around, he looked at the group, red sand everywhere. It was hot and the sun was blaring there was only five cars in this race. There was a white and red Porsche 911 GT3, pearl black Nissan GTR, silver C7 corvette Stingray, glossy black Mercedes SLS AMG and lime green Lamborghini Gallardo. Evan felt a little weird being in a muscle car as he was surrounded by exotics. The race was about to start, Evan grabbed the swayed steering wheel with one hand and put the other on the shifter. He took a deep breath; it felt tight as he and Norah were strapped into the car with five point racing harnesses. Evan was focused, out of the corner of his eye he saw Norah placing her hand on his. He got a feeling like he hadn’t had in a while. He had butterflies in his stomach, the kind you get when you talk to your high school crush. He smiled and looked at her Norah said with a soft comforting voice, “You got this.”

A girl came out in the middle of the starting line. She was in a jean mini skirt and a button up flannel that was tied at her stomach. She counted down to 1. And has soon as go slipped out of her mouth all the cars hit the gas. The ground shook from all the power, drivers couldn’t hear anything but the sound of their engine. Evan shot across the line, his rear tires slipped and burned out puffing white smoke and had the smell of burnt rubber. The massive amount of torque of the car sucked Evan and Norah to their seats and the bolted forward.
In the first few seconds Evan passed the Nissan GTR and Corvette and was tailing the Porsche. Evan was doing almost one hundred and eighty miles an hour. Norah looked out the window, every tree, bush, and rock went by like a flash. Everything feels differently at that speed, the car feels like its floating, every touch of the steering wheel jerks the car. Evan was almost touching the rear bumper of the Porsche when suddenly something ran across the road. The Porsche hit the small animal and it bits and pieces of it flew on the windshield. The man in the Porsche was driving blind. With one jerk of the wheel he flew off the road into the red desert. Evan slowed down but as soon as the road cleared in down shifted to fifth gear, the RPM’s shot up to six thousand and the caught up to the rest of the group.
Evan needed to pass the two other cars in a hurry as they were approaching the junction. Evan told Norah to flip three red switches on in the center console; she then twisted the top of a nitrous bottle and gave Evan a head nod. Evan then pulled a trigger on the shifter knob and the nitrous ignited. The car shot out blue flames of the two tail pipes. Evan looked at the speedometer they reached two hundred and five miles an hour. The challenger zipped passed the Mercedes and Lamborghini and crossed the finish line with seconds left.
Evan slowed down to 70 miles per hour. The GPS unit beeped and had a new location. Norah looked at the screen and said “The next location is upstate New York but we have some time to their. We will meet up with the team in St. Paul, Minnesota and get a plan.”
The two of them drove up St. Paul. It took them three days of nonstop driving to get there. During the drive Evan and Norah got close to each other. Evan asked Norah why she joined the FBI and she said “My father was in the FBI, growing up my mom wasn’t around and me following in his footsteps would make him proud.”
Evan understood that’ and they had an understanding for each other and they started to like each other. Evan unfortunately was not very good at showing his emotion and was scared to start to have feelings for her. He knew that this was a just a job to her. She would go away as soon as the mission was complete. So he told himself not to get attached.
Inside an airplane hangar Aiko, William, and Tony worked on the repairing the car, and replacing the used Nitrous, and tuning the engine. Evan, Norah and Officer Johnson sat around computer screens and went over the operation and when and where the strike team was going to grab the mobsters. Officer John with his deep voice, “Evan you and Norah will race to the finish line, as soon as you win you guys will park the car and wait for Giovani’s men to come and pick you up. You and Norah will follow them to the location where you will receive the money. Both of you will be wearing a small wire device in your ears. Once you get inside, and you see everyone, give us the code word rally and an FBI team and I will go in.”
An hour or so later everyone in the hanger went to bed as there was a big race ahead of them. Everyone but Evan and Norah, they sat on the hood of the Charger and watched airplanes go by. Evan looked up as a 747 took off and said to Norah, “I wish I could take it all back. I wish I would have worked for the money instead of borrowing it. I wish I could take it all back.”
Norah looked at Evan and with a soft voice, “Evan you can look at the past all you want. What ever happened is in the past. You can’t change what happened” Norah takes Evan’s hand “You can only change the future. That’s why this race tomorrow will change the future. When we get these guys the world will be a better place. All it will take is one last race.”
With some sadness, “But it won’t be the same without,” Evan pauses, he looks Norah in the eye then looks down.
Norah with concern “Without?”
Evan mumbled, “You” and looked down at his shoes.
Norah smiles, looks up then puts her hands on Evan and leans in and kisses him. Then with their faces close together Norah whispered, “I’m not going anywhere.”
The whole group woke up early and packed up everything and in a caravan headed to New York. It took them 16 hours to get there. It was late in the evening an sixty four degrees. Officer Johnson, Aiko and Tony stayed back William checked the car one last time to make sure everything was functioning properly. After Will gave Evan the thumbs up he ran back to the van that was parked a block away with the rest of the group. Aiko and Officer Johnson sat and listened to the microphones in Evan and Norah’s ear. Tony sat with a laptop and had and had the race mapped out and the car’s GPS.
Evan and Norah waited at the line, there were only two cars there. A matte black Lamborghini Aventador and a red Ferrari F12. The Charger sat in the second row. Evan and Norah looked around trying to see if there was going to be a fourth racer. The race started at four pm and it was three two minutes until. Suddenly they could hear high pitch soprano exhaust in the background. Evan couldn’t recognize what car, it was until the car pulled up right next to him. A pearl orange McLaren MP1. There were only three of those cars made this year. The windows were tinted black he couldn’t see who was inside. Evan looked over and the car’s window rolled down. It was Ruben, the smiled and said, “Good to see you! How’s your head? I see you found a girl who likes a loser.” Ruben then rolled up the window without Evan even getting a word. Evan got ferrous, his skin turned red, he teeth clenched, and he squeezed the wheel.
Norah with a comforting voice “You got this. He is just trying to get in your head. He has already cost you so much. Now it’s your turn. This is your shot at getting him back.”
Evan with a reassured and cynical voice, “Time for some pay back Ruben.”
Norah and Evan strapped in as a girl in a mini skirt approached the front of the line. She counted down to three. And everyone took off. It was a symphony of engine sounds and exhaust. The Aventador took first, Ruben somehow got past the Ferrari at the start of the race and Evan was sitting last. Evan shifted through the gears, he felt like his car had more power. Evan then heard a hiss from the engine and everything came into play. The boys overnight put a twin turbo kit on the car which means the car was pushing over a thousand horsepower. He had never been behind the wheel of something so powerful. As the race went on Norah helped navigate the race as there was a lot of twists and turns.

Evan rode the bumper of the Ferrari f12. Norah with confusion “Uh what are you doing there Evan?”

Evan laughed and said “An old NASCAR trick my dad taught me.” He then down shifted pulled left and zipped right past the Ferrari. By this time Ruben had already pasted the Aventador and was in the lead. Evan yelled “One down two to go!” He couldn’t believe that a suped up Dodger Charger could be in the running with European supercars.

The race went on Norah yelled “Sharp left turn up ahead!” Evan could see the Aventador’s brake lights glowing, but Evan didn’t slow down. Norah shouted “Evan what are you doing? Slow down!”

Evan smiled and whispered “just you wait. They approached the turn; He let off the gas but was still doing hundred and twenty miles an hour. Evan then pulled right then took the left turn. The charger drifted around the corner the tires screeching and as he came through the turn he passed the Aventador.
Aiko watched that from the lap top and yelled “I taught him that! I used that move all throughout Japan!”
Everyone else in the van shook their heads and replied, “Whatever.”
The race now consisted of Evan and Ruben. It was time now to get some pay back. Norah with a concern in her voice, “Be careful Evan you don’t know what he will do.” Evan then turned on the stereo and played Childish Gambino. He turned up the song Bonfire and then smiled.
He thought to himself, “This is for you dad.” He then put his foot to the floor and started going through the gears. The car was insanely fast. Evan and Norah were sucked to their seats. He looked down at the speedometer and it was passing the two hundred mark. Ruben’s rear bumper was only feet from the Charger. The two drivers raced aggressively. Evan would try and make moves right and left, but Ruben would block him each time. Towards the finish of the race there were a pair of switch back turns down a hill. Evan knew this was his time to take advantage. Ruben took the right turn wide and Evan slid through on the inside, they were neck and neck through the turn. Evan then hit the Nitrous button and in a blink of an eye flew past Ruben. He knew he needed to hold his own through the next turn.
The next hairpin came. Evan drifted through the corner but Norah looked back to notice that Ruben drifted the corner as well and was right on Evan’s rear Bumper. It was the final straight away to the finish line. The two racers floored it. Ruben’s car had a faster top speed than Evan’s, so he had to use some of his skills to hold him off. He kept the Orange McLaren off by driving in the middle of the two lane road. Every time Ruben would try and make a pass, one side of his car would be in the grass. This made Ruben mad so he down shifted and rammed the Charger in the back. Evan and Norah where held tight in their harnesses. Evan shook his head and slammed on his breaks, reversing onto the hood of Ruben’s car. The two cars were connected now and crossed the line with Evan and Norah in the lead.
The two cars then slowly came to a complete stop. Ruben got out of his car first full of anger. Evan and Norah then got out of the Charger and were in a standoff with Ruben. Evan stood strong and ready for anything. Norah looked at him and whispered, “Just wait’ we need him to take us to the leaders.”
Ruben was furious, “I never lose!” and started to charge. The two men clinched their fists.
Right before Ruben was about to swing at Evan a deep voice said, “Stop!” The two of them looked back. A man in a suit stepped out of a glossy black Cadillac Escalade. It was one of Giovanni’s henchmen. The man looked at Ruben, “No one likes a sore loser. Now the winner gets to claim his prize.” Evan and Norah got in the black SUV and drove to a secret location.
As soon as they got in the SUV the Team in the van packed everything up got on the horn to gather a team, and followed the GPS in Evan and Norah’s ear piece. The SUV pulled into an abandoned warehouse. The van with Officer Johnson, Aiko, Will, and Tony waited a block away listening for the code word.
Officer Johnson talked through the MIC into the two Ear pieces “Remember the codeword is RALLY. As soon as you say the code word the team and I will go in.”
Evan and Norah were in a room that was dusty and dirty. They looked across the big floor to see three other black Escalades and two black S class Mercedes. Evan and Norah were told to wait for the men to present them the money. Giovanni, Anthony and Daniel got out of their cars. Ruben then got out of the back seat of one of the Mercedes. The men all recognized Evan right away. Anthony chuckled, “Hey look who it is. I thought you were still in the can! Really nice to see you came back and you brought your girl!”
Evan got furious. His face got red. He hated all of these men with all of his being. Norah took Evan’s hand. As soon as her soft hands touched his he began to calm down. He knew there was a mission to be completed. Evan spoke up, “So can I have the money now? After you guys framed me I could use the money.”
Giovanni with a smile, “Woah! Woah! Who said we framed you Evan? You did smuggle stuff across the border.”
Evan barked back “NO I DID NOT!”
Daniel with his super Italian accent, “Whatever do you want the money or not?”
Ruben went to the Mercedes and opened up the trunk. He pulled out a metal brief case and walked over to Evan. Ruben reached out the case to Evan and Evan held the other side. Evan looked around to find SWAT running in from all angles. Evan grabbed the case from Ruben. All the mobsters pulled out hand guns and started shooting at the officers. Norah still holding Evan’s hand pulled him behind one of the SUV’s. They waited as there was a fire fight. Ruben then came around the around the corner and pointed his Beretta at Evan. Norah then quickly kicked the gun out of Ruben’s hand. Ruben punched Norah in the face and she went down.
Evan dropped the case with the thirteen million dollars in it. He then punched Ruben in the face. He hooked lift then right. Ruben punched Evan in the stomach twice. Ruben went for the third punch when Evan grabbed his fist, bent his arm, picked him up and threw him on the ground. Evan then got on top of him and started punching him repeatedly. There was blood everywhere Rubens nose was broken and was gushing blood. Evan hit him until he was barely conscious.
He then helped Norah up and grabbed the case. The gun shots stopped. The two of them looked around to see that Giovanni, his henchmen and Anthony were dead and Daniel was being handcuffed. Evan looked at Norah, “I love pay back.”
Evan grabbed her hand and had the case of money in the other. “I think I have something in mind.” The two of them walked out of the warehouse. They met up with his friends and Officer Johnson. Evan went over a to his buddies and they gave each other a big group hug.
Tony asked, “What are you going to do now?”
Evan replied, “I think I have something in mind for all of us.”
Officer Johnson called out to Norah, “See you at the office?”
Norah looked at Evan then looked back at Officer Johnson and with a smiled said “I don’t think so,” and walked over to Evan. Officer Johnson understood and got in a cop car with Daniel and drove off.
They all got in the van and drove off back down south to Florida. Daniel and Ruben both were tried and sent to the Prison outside of Tallahassee. The two of them will be serving 35 years together and they aren’t making any friends. Turns out a lot of the guys they have framed in the past were serving time at that jail.
Three months later Evan was sitting in a lawn chair inside his dad’s Garage with Norah in his lap holding him. Aiko, Will and Tony were repairing the Black Charger, and right next to them was Norah’s Porsche 918 spider and Evans old rally car. Evan had everything he wanted and felt like he made his dad proud.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 14 2015 at 1:41 am
Kyler Magnus BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is amazing