Prom night | Teen Ink

Prom night

June 2, 2014
By Matthew Osterman BRONZE, Cypress, Texas
Matthew Osterman BRONZE, Cypress, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We just arrived at the dance and the song "All of Me" by john legend started playing. She grabbed my hand, dragged me to the dance floor and we started slow dancing. She wrapped her arms around her neck and brought me close while I wrapped my hands around her lower back. After dancing for a while she placed her head on my shoulder and I lowered my head to be next to her's. After dancing for a couple hours we decided to leave early. We ended up going to a park, laid down on a bridge and star gazed together. I mentioned to her that I have not had first kiss and that I was hoping she would mine. She said yes, and it was great. After the kiss I held her in my arms for a while and then we went back to my house where we watched a movie. We snuggled while watching the movie, and fell asleep together, ending a great night.

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