Friends till' the end | Teen Ink

Friends till' the end

June 3, 2014
By Anonymous

One bright summery day, there were two young girls named Becky and Amber, who were best friends. They did everything together and shared their deepest secrets with each other. They liked to hang out in their favorite hang-out spot almost every day at The Castle Park. Castle Park had a variety of things to do, but their favorite thing to do was to go onto the trails that lead them into a field where they made their hang out spot. At their hang out spot there was chairs, couches, a fire pit with a miniature fridge and a tent.

There was a boy named Justin that lived in their neighborhood, he never noticed them, until one day the girls were walking up the road and he was riding his skateboard down the road and bumped into Becky. He helped her up and said, “I am sorry; I did not see you there. Are you okay?” She then replied, “Yes I am, thank you for helping me up.” Their eyes then connected. As they both walked their separate ways, Becky could not get him off of her mind. She has started to gain a crush for him. She told Amber how she felt every day and how much she wanted to see Justin someday soon again.

A week goes by; Becky and Amber run into the boy again. The boy approaches Becky and says, “My name is Justin, what’s yours?” She replies, “My name is Becky and this is my best friend, Amber.” Justin then asked her, “How are you from when I bumped into you a week ago?” She stated, “Yes I am okay. Well I have to go so maybe we can hang out sometime.” “Yeah, I would like that,” says Justin. They then exchanged phone numbers.

Four months have gone by; Justin and Becky have been talking and hanging out more. They gained feelings for each other. Amber, Becky and Justin we all hanging out together one day and they have decided to go to the hang out place. Amber wasn’t happy with that idea only because it was there place together. At that point Amber got upset with Becky and was nervous about confronting her. She didn’t know if Becky would show off now that there is a boy around or if she would be calm about the situation.
Amber confronted Becky, “Becky can I have a word with you….alone please?” “Sure Amber, what is up?” replied Becky. Amber then argued “Why did you suggest we go to our hang out place?” Becky states, “Because I thought it would be fun and it’s a good idea, why what’s wrong?” “It’s not a good Idea and it wouldn’t be fun, why would u suggest that when you know that is yours and my place only and we promised each other that we would never bring anybody else back there?” Amber said, upset. Becky then said, “I don’t see the problem Amber, it’s just a hang out spot.” Amber replies, “Just a hang out spot? Is that all it is to you is just a hang out spot!? To me it resembles our friendship; it’s the only place where I can tell you my secrets without anyone else over hearing what is being said.” Becky curiously said, “Well I don’t see a problem with having Justin come join in our group.” Amber said, frustrated, “You really don’t get it do you? Are you even sure you can really trust him with the things we talk about here? We met him a few months ago, and you’re already trying to have him be around all the time. Every time I hang out with you, anymore, he’s always around. It’s like I can’t even talk to you, anymore!” Becky confusingly said, “So, what, we’re not friends anymore?” Amber replied, “I never said anything about us not being friends anymore. If you want to hang out with him all the time, now, then fine. Just leave me out of it, especially if you still insist to bring him to our spot.” Becky then said, “Whatever Amber I am not dealing with this childish game.” Amber argued, “Childish game, whatever I’m out of here. Bye!”

After the fight Becky and Amber had, they stopped talking and remained no longer friends. A couple of days go by; Justin and Becky are now dating. They no longer talk about going to Castle Park. A couple months go by and Becky is starting to get upset because she misses her best friend. She talks to Justin about it here and there a lot. He kept telling her to try calling Amber, but she refused, thinking Amber wouldn’t answer because she was still angry.

Becky finally decides to call Amber after 2 weeks went by. The phone rings and Amber picks up the phone and says, “Hello. Who is this?” Becky shyly replies, “This is Becky, are you able to talk at all?” “I guess, why what’s up?” Amber annoyingly said. Becky nervously replied, “Are you still mad at me? I miss you and I miss talking to you and hanging out with you, you were my best friend and I didn’t want to lose our friendship I didn’t think that our spot was so important to you until now.” Amber says, “yes I am a little mad about it but I am more upset now than anything. We can become friends but I don’t think it is a good idea for u and Justin to date considering that you guys don’t know each other that well and it’s our spot and I don’t want it turning into your relationship spot and me becoming the third wheel in everything we do together.” Becky believingly said, ”Okay Amber, what about if me and him become friends and no longer date, then can we go back to the way we used to be. Please?” Amber happily said, “Sure, I would like that, and I would love to go back to the way we were before he came into our lives. I would like him as a friend and only a friend nothing more and nothing less.” “Okay that is a deal! Will you come outside I will be at your house in a couple of seconds.” Becky excitingly said. “Yes, I will be outside.” Amber replied.

They hung up the phone and Becky arrived at Amber’s house, they looked at each other for a couple of minutes and then met half way in the middle. Once they both reached half way, they hugged each other and told each other how much they meant to one another. Becky reviled her feelings to amber and told her how she felt, “Amber, I missed you so much. I want you to be there when I tell Justin that we have to break up and we can remain friends only. It is up to you if you allow him to come and join us at our spot. I never want anything to come between us again; you were my best friend, my sister and my number one person in my life.” Amber started to cry out of joy and happiness and shook her head as she agreed. Later on that day they met up with Justin and Becky walked up to him. Justin spoke first and said, “So I see you finally called her, I’m glad you guys are friends again. I didn’t like seeing you so upset without her.” Becky replied, “I am so happy that we are friends again” she looks back at Amber and continues to say “we have to talk about us though.” Justin agrees, “Okay. What do you want to talk about?” “I would like for us to be friends only. I don’t want Amber to think that she is a third wheel or anything. She told me how she felt about me and you and I understand and I hope you do to. Is it okay with you if we break up but we can still be friends and all three of us hang out as buddies?” Replied Becky. Justin says, “That is perfectly fine with me. I would love to be friends with you and Amber. I am just glad all of us can hang out with no strings attached and no more arguing.” Becky suggested, “Okay great!” with a big smile on her face as she continued to say, “So let’s shake on it, no strings attached and to friends forever. All three of us!” Justin and Becky shook hands and then walked to amber. They all were happy to be reunited as friends.

The author's comments:
i wish that people get that if you have a best friend don't let little things get between you and that friend, and to talk things out before going overboard.

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