Just Believe Book Chapter | Teen Ink

Just Believe Book Chapter

May 15, 2014
By gainesbriana BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
gainesbriana BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1-
The wooden and run-down floor creaked under the minimal weight of Corban’s body as he kneeled down to pray. His chocolate brown curls fell over the caramel colored skin of his eyelids, the curls just gently brushing his eyelashes when he bowed his head. His glassy, mahogany eyes were now closed as he folded his hands quietly in his lap to do something that he found himself doing on a daily basis ever since he found out about God through the orphanage trip to the church one morning.
“God…” he whispered, “It’s me, Corban, again. I know I do this everyday but I would just really really appreciate a mom and dad,” he took a deep breath, “since my first ones didn’t want me. And I just see all of my friends get adopted all the time, like with Mac... so that could be me? Right, God? I would just really like to belong somewhere for once…”
He finished up his prayer telling God that he loved Him very much even if He didn’t find him a mom and dad to be with, but that he is still believing in Him to find him one. The still silence of Corban’s room was broken by the opening of his door to a fellow friend, Harry.

“Ms. Ruth wants to see you Corban!” he said.
Silently Corban nodded, got up and made his way to the main caretaker of the Safe Anchorage Orphanage.

The door to her office was closed. Corban hesitantly approached it, not knowing what she could possibly have to tell him. The tall door menacingly stared down at him, taunting him with all the possible explanations for why he was in this position. Last time he was called down to Ms. Ruth’s office, it was because he had a visit scheduled. A visit that obviously didn’t go very well, thus his apprehension. His tiny hand raised to knock on the door, slowly but surely.
He waited patiently, trying to swallow his hesitation.

“Come in,” she excitedly called from the inside.
Corban cracked the door and peeked his head in first.

He spoke quietly, “You wanted to see me, Ms. Ruth?”

“Yes, dear. Come in, come in.”
As he did most things, silently, Corban made his way to the chair in front of her desk, anticipating what this whole ordeal was all about. He sat deep in thought as he watched Ms. Ruth finish up some paperwork she was organizing. His reverie was broken by the sound of her comforting voice.

“Oh honey, you look so nervous,” she cooed, “It’s nothing bad. It’s actually quite exciting,”
He swallowed once more. “What is it?”

“Well, you’re going to have some visitors tomorrow,” her soft blue eyes bore excitedly into his brown ones.

“Visitors? For me?”

“Yes, honey. You remember those wonderful visitors we had last week? Brett and Carrie?”
He nodded.

“Well, you caught their eye and they would really like to spend some time with you and get to know you better, Corban.”
His innocent eyes looked back at her in surprise as the thoughts raged through his head like cars speeding down a highway. What if they want to adopt me? What if I will finally get the family I’ve always wanted? Has God actually heard my prayers? The thoughts left a smile on his face.

“They’ll be here tomorrow morning,” she said finally.
Its as if Corban was stuck in a trance. This is the first time he’s had visitors in a long time.

“Well go,” she urged him eagerly, “Go on, get ready.”
Corban hopped off the chair and hurriedly made his way back to his room. Once he was away from all of the other kids in the solitude of his own bedroom, he leant up against the wall and raised his head to the sky with the biggest smile he’s had on his face in a while.

“Thank you so much, God,” he sighed “I love You so much, I knew I could trust You.”

“C’mon Carrie, we’re going to be late,” Brett shouted through their small apartment

“I’m coming, I’m coming,”
Today was the morning this expecting couple was going to visit the little, shy boy who had caught their eye the week before. Scrambling about their apartment as the nerves began to take over. They anxiously entered their car and went on their way for their day to come at the Safe Anchorage Orphanage.

“What if he doesn’t like us?” Carrie asked breaking the silence

“Sweetie, don’t think like that. We just need to think positively,”

“I just feel like something, I don’t know what. But something is going to go wrong,”

“Don’t think like that, okay Carrie?” He grabbed a hold of her hand, “Everything is going to be fine. And if not, God’s still got us, remember?”
She nodded and smiled hoping to God that little Corban would like them and that everything would run smoothly.

The rest of the car ride was quiet, neither person saying a word to each other, as they let the thoughts about what could happen today roam about the air of the vehicle. All of the passing buildings and other cars speeding down the highway seemed to speak for them being the only noise heard through the car, besides the faint music of the radio. When they arrived at the orphanage, all doubt was replaced with excitement as they reached the tall doors that could be holding so much for them and their future as husband and wife. Brett rang the doorbell to be greeted by Ms. Ruth. Her comforting blue eyes filled with happiness upon the sight of the couple at the door.

“Oh Brett, Carrie, it’s so nice to see you two again,” she exclaimed as she opened the door wider for the couple to come in. “Corban is still getting ready, I believe. I’ll have to go check. But why don’t you guys take a seat for right now?” she pointed them over to the couch, “Is there anything I can get you guys? A drink?”

“No ma’am,” answered Carrie, “We’re okay, thank you.”

“Well okay, I’m just going to go check on Corban,”
He stared at himself in the mirror, making sure everything was perfect for his visit. He patted down his unruly head of soft, brown curls, huffing, realizing that there wasn’t much he could do with them. He began straightening the collar on his pale blue dress shirt when the door opened.

“They’re here, Corban,” Ms. Ruth spoke, “Are you ready?”

“I think so,” he spoke quietly
She walked over to him, helping him fix his collar.

“There’s nothing to be nervous about,” she spoke assuringly, “They’re people, just like you and me.”
He nodded, “I’d just really like to be adopted,” he said blankly, “So I don’t want to mess anything up like I did last time…”
Ms. Ruth’s hands froze as she moved to look into his eyes.

“You did not mess anything up, Corban,” she said, “And you’re not going to today either, I promise. Everything is going to be okay. And if it is in God’s will for you, then you will definitely get adopted.”

“How do I know if it’s in His will for me?” he asked innocently.

“Well, that’s just for us to find out, now isn’t it?” she smiled, “C’mon, they’re waiting for you.”
Corban took a deep breath as he grabbed Ms. Ruth’s hand and followed her to the living room.
Brett and Carrie sat nervously on the couch. Brett rubbed his hands down his face in an effort to rid himself of his nerves. Carrie wrung her hands in her lap before releasing to grab Brett’s hands.

“Everything’s going to be okay like you said, remember?” she whispered.

“You’re right,” he chuckled, taking her hands in his, “I don’t know what we’re so nervous about, really.”
She laughed, “Me either,”

“We should pray.” he said.
Her green eyes met her husband’s in approval.

“I think we should too.”

The couple’s backs were to them when they entered the living room. The sight of them sent Corban shifting slightly to be partially behind Ms. Ruth as he squeezed her hand, letting his nerves get the best of him. She let go of his hand, looking down to give him one last assuring smile.

“Brett, Carrie,” the couple quickly turned to face Ms. Ruth, “This is Corban,”
The couple stood up from the couch and made their way over to Ms. Ruth and Corban with elated faces. Brett bent down to meet Corban’s eyes.

“Hey, Corban,” he said holding out his hand “I’m Brett, it’s nice to meet you,”
Corban placed his small, clammy hand in Brett’s large, firm one.

“And this is my wife, Carrie,”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Corban,” she smiled, “This is a very nice shirt you’ve got on,”
Corban smiled nervously as he cleared his voice to talk.

“Thank you,” Corban spoke, “It’s nice to meet you guys too.”

“Well,” Ms. Ruth spoke “Why don’t I leave you three alone to talk, yeah?”
With one last stroke of Corban’s hair, the room was just left with Brett, Carrie, and Corban as they made their way to sit on the couch.

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