It's Time | Teen Ink

It's Time

May 15, 2014
By dtamez85_athlete BRONZE, Hutto, Texas
dtamez85_athlete BRONZE, Hutto, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s Time
It’s game day, and it is the biggest game of the year. Our rival is coming into town, and we need to defend our territory at home. Our season is going okay we’re 4-2, and if we win tonight then we’re guaranteed a spot in the playoffs. This whole week has been tense. Practice was crazy along with film sessions. Our coaches want to make sure that were ready physically, but most importantly mentally. The other team is 6-0, so overall they’re a great team, but we have faith in our team and in each other that we can win this game tonight. It might only be a high school football game, but it’s going to be a televised game. That night we were all nervous with butterflies in our stomachs waiting in the locker room to go out onto the field. Whenever the coach came storming in to get us ready it wasn’t so quiet anymore. We were screaming and yelling getting pumped up! As we walked into the tunnel, the atmosphere changed dramatically. The band started playing, and we sprinted through the tunnel excited and ready. After the national anthem we put our helmets on, and it was game time. That first quarter we were a bit sluggish, but no worries; our tenacity was picking us up. It was halftime, and the score was 28-14. We were losing, but we still had faith in our team and in each other, so we kept our heads high and decided to play the second half like it was a playoff game. I will never forget the halftime speech that our coach gave us.
He said, “ Guys, forget the first half it’s over it’s in the past. We can’t change what happened, but the second half that’s a different story. We can change that because the second half is the future and anything is possible. We are a championship team. I know it! You all know it! They are not better than us; we just have to show it on the field. So let’s strap up and go out and win this second half, and let’s win this game so we can go to the playoffs!!”
That was it. Coaches halftime speech gave us energy and fire for the second half. We dominated that second half from beginning to end, and we played that half like champions should play. Everybody was having a blast because we came back and took the lead 35-28 with only 2 minutes left in the game. That’s when it happened- our defense came through for us on fourth down, and now we have the ball and the game is over. The final seconds ticking away 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. We won 35-28 and we were now going to the playoffs!! We were all so full of excitement; we played as a team and we won the second half and now we are playoff bound. IT’S TIME.

The author's comments:
I'm a football player and this is how the football games feel.

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