2/21/14 | Teen Ink


May 11, 2014
By bethsaunderson BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
bethsaunderson BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today I saw you in the coffee shop sitting alone at a table for two.It's been more than a year now, but I'm jealous of the cup between your hands, held with care. The way it caresses your lips ever so softly. I'm jealous of the book resting on the table before you, receiving your full attention. I miss the way we used to come to this very cafe and you read to me as I sipped my tea. I miss the way my name rolled off your tongue, when you told me you loved me. The words came so easy for you then, what happened? I miss you and I need to know, do you miss me too?
My question was answered when she kissed your cheek and you took her hand.

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