Destiny | Teen Ink


May 10, 2014
By The_light_Messenger GOLD, Decatur, Michigan
The_light_Messenger GOLD, Decatur, Michigan
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Think Without Boundaries

i want to learn how to play Clair de Lune on a cello and when I grow older and I have kids of my own I will play them Clair de Lune to sleep upon the ghosts of our past's. sleep my child for struggle awaits, but you will not be alone. the embers that spark your heart will flourish throughout time and a seed will grow to those you love to cherish. what a shame to have a mind fight back, what a shame to see the colors fading black but fear not the color of space, you must know white to know black, drift away as the color takes you astray from your distant past. let your colors flourish, destroy and make new. im sorry my child for the mind given will not be kind. I just hope you understand and I will fight with you all the way and we will make it through this as we have before and again

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