Judas' Kiss | Teen Ink

Judas' Kiss

May 6, 2014
By Anonymous

It was 1 o’clock in the morning. I was nestled into his arms. My eyes were
puffy. It seemed as if I had just woken up and I couldn’t open them, the way our eyes get heavy and the crust clumps in the tear duct. But I hadn’t just awakened. I was crying.

I held on tight to him and let all my frets out. I took one deep inhale and exhale, feeling a sense of weight being dropped off my shoulders into the darkness. I could feel the energy of his comforting. It was warming.

His name is Jake. He moved back her to Los Angeles over a year ago; he only lived fifteen minutes away.

Jake is my boyfriend: he has sky blue eyes, luscious lips, perfectly toned-tan skin, and a wondrous smile that melts everyone’s heart.

My name is Lily. I am a dancer and I love watermelon.

7 years ago, when I first met Cecilia, she had a glistening charm in her smile. I knew that she was nice; I could tell by her face. This face of “happiness” invited me to her house. Before her, I only knew what sadness felt like: gloomy, blue, and lonely. She was the nicest girl I had ever met; she was so open and honest with me. Cecilia got me to experience feelings I had never felt before.

This was a feeling I had never felt before. My heart was pounding rapidly as a puzzled look appeared on my face.

I didn’t like this feeling. I didn’t know what to do or think at that point. All I could do was cry and embrace Jake.

I’d been hugging him for quite some time now. I looked up at him and stared into his extraordinary eyes. They were beautiful. I could tell he was truly sincere. He was wearing that new shirt I bought him for Christmas. His hair was perfectly done, as always, and he had on the cologne that I loved so dearly.

He brushed my cheek and said, “I’m so sorry babe. I know how much Cecilia meant to you.”

I love how understanding and comforting people are. It warms my heart to know that someone actually cares and respects you.
“You don’t need her,” he said.

“You’re right Jake, I don’t. I’ve got you and everyone else in our group.”

He leaned and kissed me with his perfectly smooth, soft lips. I put my hands on his face tenderly. I knew I loved him very much and he loved me very much in return. I looked into his eyes once more and wrapped my arms around him, which was wonderful.

This is a story of betrayal.

I feel that I should write something that is worth reading about and something that I would enjoy reading, one that I can learn from. In stories of betrayal, one can learn about loyalty or trust, for example. Betrayal has taught me more about these in my life experiences. Also, I learned that you must start your story with something that will grab the reader and want them to continue reading. This is why I started with the result from a betrayal. I find that betrayal is common in my life and I can easily relate to different situations of betrayal.

I remember that evening.

New Year’s Eve during my senior year. Jake was throwing a huge party. All of our friends and their friends and friends of their friends had attended. The base note in the beat was blasting and everyone was having the time of their life. Smiles and laughs and screams of joy filled the atmosphere. It was “the” party of the year.

Jake had joined me in the living room as everyone was living it up and getting ready for the ball to drop.

“10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1! Woo!”

I looked over and said, “Happy New Year Jake.”
“Happy New Year love,” he replied, giving me that wonderful New Year’s kiss everyone dreams of.
Later that night, I had gone to the bathroom and Jake went to get us some more lemonade. He then found himself face to face with Cecilia, my best friend at the time.
Jake, being the gentleman he is, was friendly and continued to talk with Cecilia to catch up with her. I came back downstairs and saw them talking. It didn’t phase me because they’ve known each other for a long time. And I trusted both of them very much. So I decided to talk to one of my closest friends for a little.
A few minutes passed and I wanted to get my lemonade from Jake. As I looked over, I saw Cecilia plant one right on Jake as he tried to back away!
Flaming with furry, I ran over and ripped her off of him. “Um excuse me, what are you doing!?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” she said with a smirk.
“It looks like you’re trying to steal Jake.”
“Ding ding ding!” she replied with joking pleasure.
“How could you do this to me?”
“You’re the one who stole him from me. I knew him first.”
“So! And I didn’t steal him. You told me you guys were just friends. And I would never ever do anything to hurt you.”
“Apparently you would!”

“Are you kidding me!” All of a sudden I could feel my heart racing and the heat in my body began to boil up. “Ah!” I screamed with rage. I flung my arms and hands out from beside me and tried to grab at Cecilia, but Jake caught me before I could even touch her. He held me tight, he held me warmly. My head slumped down and shoulders began to wither away. I knew what was coming. Tears started to flow from my eyes and I couldn’t help them from going away. My anger and sadness took over. I stared up at Cecilia, as red fire balls came into my eyes, and I ripped myself away from Jake.

“We’re done!” I screamed to her face. I rushed to Jake’s room feeling like my heart was just ripped out of my chest. I couldn’t hold anything back.

“Wow…what the hell Cecilia. I thought you were different and better than this.” Jake said angrily. “Lily! Wait!” he rushed after me into his room and slammed the door.

This story gets me every time. Knowing that my best friend would do
something like this to hurt me over something she knows I cherish. One who would ruin a friendship that is so long and special is either 1) jealous or 2) unloyal; or they could be both.

Cecilia was both. Her jealousy led her to be unloyal to our friendship and that ruined it for the both of us. I hate that I had lost my best friend but I cant put my trust in someone who is unloyal to me. In the end, they will never go anywhere with that kind of behavior as a friend of any kind. But as a result, I learned that I can do much more with that negativity out of my life.

That year had finished. Graduation came sooner than ever. Jake was still my boyfriend; many of my old friends and some new friends were supportive of me since that evening. I also gained many new friendships since then that I will never regret.

“I’m going to miss you all so much!” I said starting to tear up.

“Don’t forget to stay in touch and tell us everything! New York is lucky to have you.” Replied one of my friends.

“Yeah!” replied everyone in unison.

I gave everyone a big group hug and ended with Jake, one hug that I know is special. He has been through everything with me. And then there Jake and I stood; we glanced at each other’s eyes as they stayed linked together, unable to be disturbed by anything. I kissed him passionately. I couldn’t bare to think of us not being together in the same place.

“I’ve got something to tell you,” Jake said.

“What is it?” I got all jittery as butterflies fluttered in my stomach. “Tell me!!”
“I’m going to school in New York!”
“What are you kidding me!”
“uh nope!” he laughed.

“Ah oh my gosh!” I jumped on him and kissed him again. My face lit up like a child’s on Christmas day.

Without Jake and many others I wouldn’t be where I am today. I love them all so very much and truly wouldn’t be able to live without them. With them in my life, I am able to be myself and live freely with no worries. I feel complete; I feel invincible.

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