The Cafe | Teen Ink

The Cafe

April 7, 2014
By melodygrace BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
melodygrace BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lilia stopped on the street corner. She could see the quaint little café in the distance. A few more steps and she would be in range. The tantalizing aromas wafted around her. She felt herself being tugged along by delicate tendrils of roasted coffee beans, hot blueberry muffins, and delicate blackberries in cream. Finally after what seemed like hours she was gently deposited at the door. She reached out her hand and pulled it open, jarring the bell on the top out of its quiet reverie. She flinched as every eye turned to look at her, their breakfasts being interrupted by that bells incessant noise. She slowly made her way to the counter. Her mouthwatering at the thought of the delicacies she was about to consume. The Barista cleared her throat in anticipation. She was ready to take Lilia’s order.
Lilia stepped up and ordered. She was nearly delirious as she made her way to the little booth in the back. She sat down and waited. Finally she saw the server carrying a tray that she just knew held her order. The waiter stopped at her table and laid down the fresh muffins stuffed with juicy blueberries. She gulped as a dish piled high with gorgeous inky blackberries and thick fresh cream was placed in its spot on the table. Finally a delicate china cup filled to the brim with steaming mahogany liquid was place before her. She delicately lifted the pitcher of cream and added just a drop to her coffee. Next she added a delicate spoonful of sugar and proceeded to stir the mouthwatering concoction.
Lilia took a bite of the beautiful, soft buttered muffin and her senses exploded in a whirlwind of tastes and colors. She moaned softly, maybe this is what heavens like. She carefully loaded one of the soft juicy blackberries onto her spoon. Her mouth was greeted with an explosion of flavor. She spent the next half hour savoring each delicious bite, and each heavenly sip. Her day couldn’t get any better than this. And then she saw him, he was sitting in the booth across from hers. His face lit up in ecstasy as he took a bite of his fluffy blueberry muffin followed by a sip of strong black coffee. He looked up and their eyes met. He had soulful brown eyes, a perfect complement to her dreamy baby blues. He held up his cup in appreciation and she followed suit. They shared a blissful moment appreciating the fantastic food before they calmly went back to their routines. He quickly forgot about the fairy like girl with the dreamy baby blues, just like she forgot the ruggedly handsome man with the soulful brown eyes. But they each remember the moment they first gazed upon the perfection that was the breakfast they shared that morning at the café.

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