The Dead Line | Teen Ink

The Dead Line

April 4, 2014
By Anonymous

Today my friend Leo and I are planning to take a plane hostage heading towards Boston. I didn’t care about the people on this plane; I will land this plane near my supplier in Soviet Russia.

We packed, got ready and headed out. The night before, we got a friend of ours to give us some supplies. A Custom briefcase makes any metal object invisible. This of course hides our M16. Some nice $500 suits; swag! He got passed the guards with them not suspecting a thing. We sat down next to each other and waited for the plane to get off the ground.

The time has come… I told Leo, “Let’s begin.” He put on his chicken mask, then got up and headed towards the restroom and instead got his briefcase from the cabinet and whipped out his M16.

Unfortunately, this lady started to yell. Leo quickly knocked her out. It’s my turn. I put on my pig mask, got up and met up with Leo.

People started to lose their mind crying, praying, and whimpering. Well, time to tell them what’s going on. “Tell them Leo”.

“Alright, everyone shut up, and we will make sure none of you get hurt. My name is Leo, and this is my associate, Allen. Our job here today is to get where we need to be. I’m sure that is the goal for most of you as well. We can all be happy, but you need to cooperate”

Well, my job is to go to the c*** pit and clear it out. I killed and didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger. This guard got in my face, and I took my knife out and slashed and dashed. I came out of the cockpit with blood in my hands. This woman started screaming, and Leo just back handed her and knocked her out. I was amused and went back into the cockpit.

A good 30 minutes have passed, and I found the million dollars’ hidden in the plane, checked the label, and it said the money belonged to the Bank of America. Mine now…

I started hearing noises in the coach; I went to check it out to find a dead man on the floor and Leo with his finger on the trigger. Leo then yells out,

“I told you! See? This is what would happen if you don’t do what we say, when we say it!”

I thought there were people threatening so I whipped my gun out and asked Leo.

“What the hell was that? You okay?”

“Yeah,” Leo then sighs in relief.

“We can’t lose hostages. Seriously. We need to be careful”

I then headed back to the cockpit and started cutting some of the money loose. I then heard a small thud, which got me jumpy. Then a random passenger came down the cockpit. I got my sights on him and gave him a bullet to the stomach.

I thought he was badly hurt so I came out of my cover and scream out.


Misson failed...

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