Portrait of a Sociopath as a Kindergarten Student | Teen Ink

Portrait of a Sociopath as a Kindergarten Student

March 20, 2014
By Carol Tshepe BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
Carol Tshepe BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I walked in the classroom, there was only one thing on my mind for this had already been a long day; Jimmy had refused to share his apple sauce, and I didn't get that gold star I worked hard for. To make matters worse the one person I thought was my true friend had done the unthinkable. During recess I was finally invited to join the popular kids at the sandbox. And in the true meaning of friendship, I made sure that I brought along Natalie.

Spread all over the floor were thirteen kids lost in their dreams on mats, some with their thumbs in their mouths, which I've always found to be ridiculous. Natalie had moved from our usual spot towards the middle of the floor. It was if she's found herself some new friends and abandoned me.

I reached for the highest shelf in the room, where I knew the scissors would be. When I got closer I saw the sand that had fallen from her hair. Both hands clutched the plastic handles and guided the blades to the pigtails.

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