Seven | Teen Ink


March 17, 2014
By Macstew BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Macstew BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She clutched the phone with anticipation as she paced back and forth. This had become Olivia’s Sunday night tradition, a ritual of sorts. Ever since she had casually overheard Caleb boasting about his newly glamorous pizza delivery boy job in 7th period psychology, Olivia had made it her priority to seek out the older boy’s attention. Ecstatic with this new found information, Olivia felt this was the perfect opportunity to make her mark. School was common grounds. In school Caleb was superior to Olivia. His playful smirk, charming personality, and musical talents were few of his attributes. The fact he was one grade ahead of Olivia didn’t help her case. Olivia yearned for the opportunity to get to know Caleb on a deeper level than just school chumps.

For the past 6 weeks she had placed the same exact order, a small pizza with pepperonis, to the exact pizza parlor Caleb worked at hoping that maybe just once she would be lucky enough to have him deliver her pizza. The past 6 weeks were consistent failed attempts. This would be Olivia’s 7th attempt. As she paced back and forth in her kitchen she decided this was it, her last try.

Time seemed to drag on to the ends of the earth. Olivia’s heart was beating violently. She chewed on her lip as her hands, now damp, tried to occupy them-selves. Her mind raced with endless possibilities of how different scenarios may play out. Suddenly the doorbell rang and she was brought out of her thoughts almost completely. She stood in the kitchen frozen. Then her body found its strength and she remembered her objective. Olivia took a deep breath and opened the door with confidence.

“Small pizza with peperoni” Caleb stated more than asked looking down.
“Um yup, that’s it.” Olivia said attempting to steady her voice.
“Oh, hey Olivia!” Caleb replied after finally glancing up.
Stunned, Olivia lost her voice for a moment. She was slightly shocked that he actually knew her name.
“Uh, hey, Caleb right?” She questioned trying to play it off cool.
Caleb chuckled as if he could see right through her. “That’s me. So that’ll be $8.75, for the pizza of course.”
“Oh let me get my wallet. Come in?” Olivia offered as she had planned. Caleb silently followed her through to the kitchen.

Olivia ruffled through her bag in search of her wallet taking longer than necessary. “So did you do that paper for psychology yet?” She awkwardly questioned. Olivia mentally slapped herself at the lame conversation. She had imagined this moment so many times, why was she freezing up?

“Hah, not even. I’m a procrastinator. I’ll get it done, eventually…” They both laughed. “You did it already didn’t you?” Caleb teased.
Olivia blushed slightly. “Uh yea actually.”
“Olivia, Olivia over achiever.” This made Olivia smile as Caleb continued to playfully tease her.
“I am not! You know nothing about me.” she protested.
“Oh I beg to differ. I know more than you think.” Caleb held an all knowing smirk.
“Oh really? Enlighten me.” Olivia fought back.
“Well for starters you’re favorite band is a tossup between Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins. You like to doodle little tornados sucking up cows in your notes. You never wear matching socks, but you do wear that necklace every day. You’re extremely brilliant and you internally cringe when Eric two rows down consistently taps his pen.”
Now holding the 10 dollar bill in her hand, Olivia’s jaw dropped slightly. “How on earth did you know that?”
“I’m a sorcerer.” Caleb teased. “Just kidding, I’m rather observant.” So he actually paid attention to her. Who knew?
Olivia continued to stare briefly before remembering the money. “Wow, well that’s a talent. Here, just keep the change.”
“Thanks Liv.” Caleb grinned while she blushed at the nick name. “Well I should get going. You enjoy that pizza.” He said this as he knew something she didn’t. Olivia replied with a simple thanks.
“What exactly is that on your necklace?” Caleb asked as he was walking out the door.
“Oh it’s a sideways 7.” Olivia smiled proudly.
“Seven.” Caleb repeated.
“Yea it’s my lucky number.”
“Ah interesting.” Caleb said as he observed the silver 7.
“You know I might need some motivation on that psych paper. Maybe you could come over and help me out on it?” Caleb offered as he started out her door.
Suddenly Olivia’s heart began beating even faster than it had before. All she was hoping for was a chance to talk to Caleb and this had exceeded her expectations.
“Yea I can do that.” She said trying not to sound too excited.
“Splendid!” Caleb replied drastically. “I’ll see you around Olivia Scott.” He called over his shoulder.
“Yea see ya.” She replied to herself as Caleb was already too far away. Olivia smiled as she closed the door and went into the kitchen. She reached for her necklace as she smiled at the 7th uneaten pepperoni pizza.

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