Success in the Making | Teen Ink

Success in the Making

March 7, 2014
By Amir Hill BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Amir Hill BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Coach Mike drove down the streets of African on his way to a five star hotel. As he drove down he saw a lot of people that would be great for basketball. Coach Mike thought to himself, if only we had that height in Philadelphia. He made his way to the hotel which was 20 minutes away from the reservation. That night as he prepared for bed the only thing on his mind was those tall, African kids. He said to himself I have to help these kids.

The next morning coach Mike got dressed, brushed his teeth and headed down to the villages. As he arrived in the villages the dirt is flying in the air. A group of kids were playing basketball with an old torn up basketball. Coach Mike parked his car and headed down the kids directions. All eyes are on Coach mike ,as he arrived to the courts the kids are shooting the torn up basketball into a rim made of sticks. Coach Mike said to himself, “Very creative.”

He said, “ Hello” to the children but no one responded. “ My name is coach Mike I am a high school basketball coach.” The kids ran away and headed to the village in full speed. “This is not going how I planned.”

A tall 7’4 kid said, “sorry sir they don’t speak english”.

” How did you learn how to speak english?” coach Mike said.

“My mother taught me before she died, my mom was the only woman in the sudanese tribe that could speak english”.

“I'm sorry to hear that,” Mike said as he leaned his head down. “What is your name?“

“Umba,” the boy replied.

Coach Mike asked Umba if he had any experience with the game basketball. Umba lifted his head with joy and replied, “ I love basketball. I only play out here but I practice everyday.“

“How would you like to come to america with me and attend my school?”
“I can't leave my people, sir. They are all I have.” His shoulders melted as he opened his eyes.
“I’m not saying leave your people. You have an opportunity of a lifetime. i can change your life, Umba.”
“I don't have clothes or money, “ Umba said.
“ Who says you have to pay ?“ coach Mike said as he chuckled.

Umba said goodbye to all of the people in his village as he got in Coach mike’s car. The people crowded around the car waving and clapping their hands with huge smiles on their faces.

They arrived at the hotel shortly after. Umba’s face was filled with shock as he glared at the hotel.

“I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life, “ he said. They made their way to the room and coach mike bought snacks for umba at the vending machine.

“Make yourself at home.”

Umba walked around the room touching objects with a curious face.

“I never been in a hotel before “ Umba said.

Later on that night Coach mike got ready for bed with Umba.
“We have a flight to catch in the morning buddy. lets get some sleep “
“I’ll take the couch. you can take the bed.”

The 7 foot 4 giant got on the bed with his legs touching the floor.
The next morning, they headed to the airport to go to Philadelphia. Coach mike bought 4 bagels: one for him and three for Umba. Umba took a bite of the bagel.

“Omg I never had anything that taste so good in my life.”
“This is just the start wait until you try a philadelphia cheesesteak,” Mike grinned.

“Cheesesteak,” Umba said with a confused face. “That sounds funny .” He laughed.

Coach Mike bought a plane ticket for Umba and he looked at Umbas face as tears dropped down his eyes.
“This is my first time leaving my village. I am going to deeply miss my people.”

“I am sure your village is proud of everything you're doing. Now make your people happy buddy”.

Umba and Coach mike boarded the plane and sat in first class. The plane took off and Coach Mike and Umba both had smiles on their faces. Nine hours later they arrived in Philadelphia.

” The city of Brotherly love,” Coach Mike said.

Coach Mike and Umba picked up their luggage and headed to the parking lot to retrieve coach Mikes car.

“This place is so beautiful the streets are filled with hundreds of people and everything is perfect”.

“We need to go shopping and I have the perfect spot. Buckle up Umba.“ Coach Mike pulled off with a mysterious face.

Umba and Coach Mike drove to downtown philadelphia. There were strolling to store after store picking up clothes and enjoying the wonderful view of downtown.

‘The bright lights, the cool breeze and the smell of tasty foods. I can get use to this,” Umba sighed. After a long day Umba and Coach Mike headed home.

“ There are two days before you start your first year as a senior in high school.”

The next day Coach Mike and Umba headed down to Academy of New Church , the High school where Coach Mike worked and Umba would be staying. Coach Mike introduced Umba to the staff and showed him the dorms.

“ My own bed. I Never had my own anything in my life,” Umba said as he melted in his bed.
“I wanna show you something. follow me Umba.”
Welcome to the Gymnasium. tears , sweat and hard work are the only things that takes place in here.”
“ This gym is beautiful I can stay in here all day”.

Coach mike said, “Umba this is your second home”
“ The only way to become the greatest is by falling in love with the process of being great”.

After a long day they head home and get ready for umbas first day of school the next day.

The next morning they prepared for school and placed all Umba’s Belongings in the car. They arrived at the school were Umba received his dorm room and key. He placed his belongings in his dorm and walked to class with his roommate Bryan. Umba and Bryan began to become really close throughout the school year spending a lot of time together.

The next few months Umba began training with the basketball team getting better and better each day. The coaches thought he could be one of the dominant centers of his class of 2011.
Umba’s first game he scored 30 points, 20 rebounds and 15 assist with the score being 86-45 . The coaches asked umba how does it feel to have your first triple double and to get your first team win. Umba said “ It feels amazing i never felt so excited in my life I can do this for the rest of my life.

Over the nexts months Umba was averaging 40.5 points per game with 20.9 rebounds with 14.8 assist attracting many division 1 colleges. Umba received letters from University of Kentucky, Duke university , syracuse University and baylor university almost every division 1 college in united states wanted Umba. Umba team went undefeated through the season going 20-0 and also 5-0 in the playoffs.

Umbas Championship game was moments away as he prepares for his game he lays on the floor stretching his legs pulling hard making sure every bone is stretched. He scanned at the crowd and saw scouter, reporters and even people from his village which was an amazing surprise. The smiles on his tribes faces were humongous and he was determined to put 100 percent effort in this game. The clock was rounding down for tip off as he team gets shots up. Umba Told the reporters ,” I came to win a championship and I am not leaving without one”.

The clock buzzer went off in the arena and both teams enter the court with their starting five. The referee throws the ball up umba’s tips it back and there is an immediate alley-oop to Umba. Umba teams is up 19 to 10 in first quarters. With Umba leading his team with 14 points. At halftime Umba’s team is losing by one with the score being 35-36 with a dominant player from Lasalle high school with 24 points.
The team walks to the locker room with their head down frustrated slamming things on the ground.Coach Mike tells the team,” Pick your head up this game is far from over, you guys have your head down for what the game has just began”.

“ Who’s ready to go back to war ?“

The team stands up and put their game faces on and goes back out on the court ready to compete harder than ever.

Its 3rd quarter and Umba has turned this game allway around not letting lasalle explorers score the 3rd quarter. The score is 59-36 entering the fourth and final quarter with lasalle having a long way to go. Academy of new church pirates were determined to win a championship with the final score being 57-98 with Umba leading the way with 67 points ,35 rebounds , 24 assist with 27 blocks. There reporters asked Umba how were you able to carry your team through the game. Umba replied,” Well I came off to a good start with 14 points in the first quarter and my team did a good job feeding me the ball in the post also I was able to crash on the rebounds and my team was able to outlet the ball”.

“Well congratulations on your success ,were looking forward to see you progress in college”.

After the game Umba reunited with his village and he was so excited laughing so hard almost falling over. He took his village people on a tour around Philadelphia showing them downtown, center city and south street. For once Umba finally felt like home. Umba had one thing on his mind and that was signing day where he will be attending in the fall next semester. He have gotten letter from almost every college and he choose to attend University of kentucky , the number one NBA prospect school.

One year later in the NBA draft of 2012 Umba Conoja was selected to Miami Heat first round first overall pick. Umba Learned no matter what your background is our life story you can achieve anything in life as long as you put your mind to it.

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