The Type of Different | Teen Ink

The Type of Different

March 3, 2014
By Bethel Buzuayehu BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
Bethel Buzuayehu BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Type of different

Be different, but not your typical everyday different.

Don't wear quirky cloths or have a sweet giggle.

Never sit with the weird groups a lunch and don't dare stand out in the crowd.

Be the type of different to walk at unusual times of the night, and not walk anywhere in particular.

The type of different to talk to strangers on the train and drink out of the same bottle as people you've known for 5 minutes,

Goosebumps must never raise on your skin.

just mountains, mountains your future husband will explore someday.

Be the type of different to never stare and act like you've got it all figured out.

even if you don't.

Don't let anyone catch glimpse of those ocean deep eyes, they will forever drown in a daunting sea.

Never show emotion.

You may be happy but still look the same as if you were sad.

Only the one with a golden heart will be able to tell which one you are.

The day you leave school sober and return heavily intoxicated.. tell him.

Tell him you love him more than fire could ever love a dying tree.

When you go back to school the next day.. don't even look at him.

Drink oolong & and herbal tea on a rainy day with 2 spoons of sugar.. you won't like it any other way.

I love you my baby girl.. Never forget.

The author's comments:
Its not yet perfect, but i have faith in it.

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