Trapped by Pain | Teen Ink

Trapped by Pain

February 24, 2014
By sissammi PLATINUM, Omaha, Nebraska
sissammi PLATINUM, Omaha, Nebraska
25 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Your being chased by fear, nightmares, the past, and all surrounds you. Your trapped, you feel the walls caving, the floor disappearing, now your falling hoping someone will catch you but, you know no ones there at the bottom. You hit the cold hard ground, to broken to get up. You think its all over but, all the thoughts come back now you wish your life was over. Wishing you could just end it all not evening thinking of the happiness. your searching through your brain trying to delete the bad and find the good but, the pain just keeps popping up blocking the path.

The author's comments:
I was in band when I wrote this. All of my pain from within being pushed away comes out in my writing, I think.


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