Acknowledgments | Teen Ink


January 9, 2014
By Anonymous

Mindlessly wandering in hopes to find something to do. I could play this board game but the box suggests 2-4 players which offers up the issue that I’ve been left alone for the next three days. I’ve never been alone for more than a couple of hours. Now it’s just me left all alone with all of my swarming thoughts to keep me company. I guess I could play a game of chess or make up a dance but just my thoughts sound good. Although, this book seems inviting…I’m not sure if I’m ready to delve into another world QUITE yet.

I could write a story. This story would be about a princess in need of rescuing but there would be a plot twist. The dragon could save her while the prince charming guy is evil. The dragon would then end up being the hero and upon returning to the kingdom, there would be a party to celebrate the good deeds of this dragon. At the party this dragon will be given a name perhaps Conrad, and dance the night away. With all the excitement, the princess would give the dragon a small kiss on its nose, but what the princess doesn’t know, is the dragon is very hungry so he eats her in one giant bite. I didn’t think this through…with such an abrupt ending, this story is a flop.

What if I really did write a story with a main character and a plot that would make people read more and more until their heads were overflowing with people, places, and things that, although completely fictional, made the reader feel empowered. How in the world would I even do that?! I’m barely capable of driving my car without almost missing my turn, how will I be able to give inspiration through a tale of some made up life. I know that the character would need to be brave. A quest needs bravery and bravery needs a quest.

No one would even want to read my work! Who wants to read words poured out of a broken soul? The answer is NO ONE. I know some people may think it inspiring to have gone through so much and end up on top, pushing through the tough stuff, but what if I’m not ready to share that vulnerable part of myself? I’m not ready for that. The fact that I’m here having a sob fest with myself all alone shows how unstable I am. But that little voice inside keeps telling me that unstable is good. It shows that I’ve been through a lot of things.

It’s been decided. I will write a story but I need something to write about. How about that one time I learned how to ride a bike? No, WAY too simple…I guess I’ll just write about my life at the moment. It’s a start and that’s all you need: a beginning to get to your end. Alright here we go. Pen to blank paper. Ideas erupting. In the world you create, it becomes ALL your own. You invite others to join your on the journey you made. Hoping that they somehow will see the same way that you do. Empowering people to be the best “Them” they can possibly be.

“Once upon a time, I tried to be a princess but it didn’t work
out. I’m not who they wanted so I got kicked out. Now I
travel around kicking butt and taking names. What
else would I do with my life? I am an abandoned
warrior, I face battles every day. I may
struggle but I will never give up.
I am on my way to greatness that is all
my own. I want to inspire those who feel
the same as I do about life. It won’t just be handed
to us; we must work for what we wish to attain.
What I wish to attain is freedom; freedom from
the walls that you built around me.
I am my own savior.
I can do whatever I need to in order to survive.”

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