Change of Heart | Teen Ink

Change of Heart

December 16, 2013
By gainesbriana BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
gainesbriana BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s been exactly one year and three months since Jason and Eli’s parents passed away. The boys were still recovering, especially Eli. He was so young, he had just turned seven last month. He missed his parents more than anything in the world, while Jason played it cool. Someone had to stay strong, right? No matter how cool Jason seemed on the outside, it was killing him just as much as it was Eli. But he’d never show it.

The boys’ aunt lived with them, her name was Lisa. The parents died of a car accident on a stormy night. The police told Aunt Lisa everything that happened, she only told Jason though and made him promise not to tell Eli all the details. He was already having nightmares every night as it was.

The rain outside trickled down the windows like a child’s tears. Jason was asleep in his room but during the night, he got up to shut his curtains. When he turned around he saw a shadow standing still in his doorway. He squinted and walked closer.

“Eli,” he whispered, “is that you?”

“I’m scared...” Eli replied.

“It’s just rain, it will be over in the morning,” Jason said.
Eli walked further into the room.

“I… I had another nightmare.” his voice trembled as lightning flashed.
Jason walked towards Eli.

“It’s okay, buddy,” he said as he stroked his fingers through Eli’s hair.
Eli pushed himself against Jason’s torso.

“Now go back to bed.” Jason said.
Eli released and turned to walk towards the door as Jason walked towards his bed.

“Jason,” Eli said
Jason looked over at him.

“Can I sleep with you?” Eli said.
Eli’s lip quivered and Jason noticed his sorrow and tear filled eyes as the lightning struck again. Jason kept his chill, outer exterior when on the inside, the look on his brother’s face, broke his heart. He silently nodded and Eli jumped into his bed. Little did Jason know, Eli didn’t really have a nightmare, he was actually just in excruciating pain.
The next morning Eli had a soccer game to go to, he was really eager. But very cautious at the same time for the pains he’s been having. He never talked about them to anyone and he didn’t plan on it either.
“Are you ready for your game today, Eli?” Aunt Lisa said glancing in the rear view mirror.
Eli smiled. “Yes!”
“Are you going to score the winning point?”
“I’m gonna try to!” Eli said, still smiling.
“Well, we might just go get ice cream afterwards if you do!” She said excitedly.
“But what if I don’t?” He smirked.
“Well then we’ll probably still get some.” she winked.
Eli giggled. Jason cracked a small smile at the sight of his brother’s happiness. He’d never say it aloud, but Jason loved to see his brother happy.

They arrived at the game and Eli, jumped carefully, out of the van. Making sure to not show any of the pain jumping caused him and jogged slowly to the field.

“Good luck!” Aunt Lisa yelled.
They went and sat down, the whistle was blown and the game had begun. As Eli ran up and down the field, he made sure to avoid hard contact with anyone or anything, as usually he’d be running into everyone trying to get the ball. Jason noticed how he was acting but didn’t say anything.

It was the last quarter and Eli had the ball, he weaved in and out of every player on the opposite team, like the strings in a basket. He was all alone on his opponents’ side of the field. All the other seven year-old boys ran to catch up with him, but they couldn't, he was too far away. Eli kept running, he was just feet away from scoring a goal. And then the unthinkable happened... Eli tripped and hit the ground like a thousand horse hooves hitting the dirt during a race. A blood-curling scream came out of his tiny body as he curled up into the fetal position. Jason jumped from the bleachers to see what was going on. The refs and coaches ran over to investigate.

“Eli!” Aunt Lisa yelled.
Everyone waited to see if he would get back up. After about two minutes, Jason ran out onto the field. He stroked Eli’s hair.

“Eli... Eli come on buddy, you okay?” Jason said trying not to sound too worried.
There was no reply, Eli just continued to cry. Shortly, Aunt Lisa had arrived to where the two boys were.

“He won’t talk to me,” Jason said “Maybe we should take him to the hospital.”
Aunt Lisa nodded worriedly. Jason went to scoop his arms under Eli but the expression on Eli’s face changed again, it scrunched. Jason assumed something was hurting him. So as delicately as he could, he picked up Eli and went as fast as he could to their car.
The drive to the hospital consisted of Aunt Lisa’s reassuring comments and Eli’s whimpers and sniffles. When they arrived, Jason went to go pick up Eli again as they rushed into the emergency room.

“We don’t know what’s happening with him.” said Aunt Lisa.
The nurse nodded and then mumbled something into the phone as doctors rushed in with a stretcher. Eli gave the saddest look as his hand drifted from his aunt’s and they took him away. Jason and Aunt Lisa went back to sit in the waiting room and patiently, but anxiously, wait for news on Eli. Hours and hours went by until a doctor finally walked out from the hallway.

Aunt Lisa stood up frantically, “Is he okay?”

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