The Cliff | Teen Ink

The Cliff

December 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Outside it looked gloomy and that was exactly how Jordan felt inside. Rain was falling down and leaves were being whipped around the front of the school. Jordan was dreading going to school today, just like every day.

“Please don’t make me go today mom,” Jordan begged. “I don’t want to be trapped in there for seven hours, just watching the clock waiting for time to pass. School is really pointless, you should really consider home schooling me. It would a way better education.”
“Jordan, not this again. I am not going to home school you, now hurry up, you’re going to be late!” Mrs. Graham exclaimed watching her daughter pout.

She sat there for a few minutes protesting and finally groaned as she slowly got out of her mom’s car, the rain falling like teardrops of a sobbing teenage girl.

Well another day in prison, Jordan thought as she walked up the steps of Eastburg High.

She walked through the halls to her locker. Her locker was right next to the one of the most popular girls in school, so it was occupied at all times. Jordan huffed in frustration as once again people were standing at her locker, blocking her from getting into it.

“Excuse me,” Jordan grumbled as people were beginning to clear a path to her locker. Jordan was always nice and polite to people, her parents never taught her different, but the kids at this school got under Jordan’s skin, making her itch with nervousness. Well, some of them got under her skin. Jordan’s best friend, Nicole, has always seen the school the same way as her, a bunch of preppy rich kids coming to school to socialize instead of learn. All Jordan wanted to do was get an education, go to college, get a well-paid job, and just plain get out of high school. That plan wasn’t working great for Jordan. First she was only a sophomore and had a while in school to go. The education plan wasn’t go too well either, all her classes were interrupted by kids talking. She just tries to get through the day and there is always something in her way.

BEEEP! The warning bell goes off, signaling first period is about to start.

Great, Jordan thinks as she walks down the hall to English class. It’s time to start another awesome day.

Jordan sits in class and stares at the clock watching the second hand go around. She can’t wait till the day is over, but of course it’s only first period. Jordan is startled as the bell rings and everyone gets up to leave. She gathers her things and walks out the door running into someone.

“Watch it!” a husky voice says.

Jordan looks up alarmed. In front of her stands a boy she’s never seen before.

“I’m sorr-ry,” she stutters and begins to walk away embarrassed.

“Hey!” the boy yells after her. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me. I am just a little stressed, because I just moved here and all. My name is Cody, I’m new.”

“It’s ok,” Jordan smiles. “I’m Jordan.”

“How about we skip the rest of the day and get to know each other Jordan?” Cody asks.

Jordan thinks for a second. She really doesn’t want to be here anyways and Cody seems like a nice guy.

“That sounds great,” Jordan responds.

“Okay. Let’s go then,” Cody says as he reaches out his hand.

Jordan takes it and they walk down the hall towards the front of the building, passing Nicole on the way out.

“Jordan! Where are you going?!” Nicole gawks as they walk past.

They get out to the parking lot and get into his car. The sun has come out and it doesn’t look as bleak as this morning. The parking lot is filled with cars, but there are no people in sight. Jordan starts to wonder where everyone is, but then stops her thoughts realizing that everyone is in class. The car starts to drive away from school and Jordan turns to Cody.

“So, where do you want to go?” Jordan asks with curiosity in her voice.

“Well, I heard of this place that sounds kind of cool. It’s a cliff in National Glacier Park.”

“Oh. Yeah we all used to hang out there freshman year a lot. We can go there if you want to.”

There is an enormous amount of traffic on the way to the park. Cars are lined down the highway and they are stuck in traffic for more than thirty minutes. When they finally get to Glacier National Park they come to the entrance and see the park is closed due to oncoming storms.

“Oh that’s too bad,” sighs Jordan.

“No. We can still go in. We’ll park on the side of the road. It’ll be fine.” Cody says.

They park on the road and walk around the road signs into the park. It’s starting to look like it’s going to storm again and Jordan gets an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Jordan feels like a little girl, like all you want to do is go home to your mom. She starts to wonder what her mom going to think when she comes to pick her up at school and she’s not there. She pushes the thought to the back of her mind, trying to forget about it, but it keeps coming back.

“I think we should go back to school. It looks like a storms coming and it’s probably not safe to be out here anyways,” stammers Jordan.

“It’s fine!” Cody yells.

Jordan is taken back. She doesn’t understand why he just yelled. All she wants to do is go back to school to be in a safe building. Jordan starts to say something back, but Cody turns around and gives her a look. A look of delusion and rage. A look that makes Jordan feel unsafe.

Jordan begins to take a step back, but Cody’s hand reaches out and grabs her wrist. The next thing she knows she’s being dragged up the hill to the cliff. Rain is now coming down and Jordan starts to struggle unaware of coming for her. They get to the top of the hill and Jordan starts to shiver from the rain and the pit in her stomach. Chattering her teeth she tries to calm Cody down.

“It doesn’t have to be like this, Cody. We can go back to school and you can talk to someone. I don’t know what’s wrong, but maybe I can help,” Jordan quivers with fear.

“That’s right you don’t know what’s wrong and you can’t do anything to fix it!” Cody shouts.

“Okay, well you can you just walk away, we don’t have to argue about this.”

Jordan starts to back away as Cody starts to come towards her. She stops moving when she feels the empty space where the cliff is. She starts to move to the side as Cody is approaching her. He keeps walking forward as she moves behind him, pushing on his back causing him to fall face first off the cliff. All Jordan hears as she walks away is his screams coming from the distance.

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