Chapter 1 | Teen Ink

Chapter 1

October 25, 2013
By Gw101098 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Gw101098 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1: 9/2-9/13
I just can’t take it anymore. The constant fighting, screaming and yelling. It all just builds up and breaks me down. I lose myself more and more everyday. When I see Karmins hand coming straight at my body, only to leave bruises, I can’t help but miss my real momma. She’s in Heaven now. I remember that day 2 years ago just like it had happened yesterday.

I was in 7th grade, my first year of middle school. It was April 22nd, and the clouds covered my head as I looked to the sky. I thought to myself, I wonder what’s up there? I found out later that day, my momma was up there. When I walked home from school I came into my house to see my dad, sitting in a chair he rarely left for months after the accident. With bloodshot eyes and tears rolling to the floor, he had me sit on his lap. Whispering in my ear he said, “Jillyanna, mommys gone now. She was taken from our lives by a man with a drink and car.”

From that day on nothing has been the same. My life turned upside down in a matter of minutes. I didn’t go to school for weeks. I didn’t smile for months, and i haven't been happy in years. My dad only makes it worse because he forgot all about mom in just a short while. Hes a liar. And a traitor. He’s supposed to love her for the rest of his life! But no, he went and married Miss Cruella Deville. That lady is a witch and she hates me with everything she can. She hits me, laughs at me, and abusing me in any way she thinks of.

This isn’t even the worst of it. School got bad. Very bad. I never was the most popular girl in the school but I had friends and I didn't mind being in the hallways with everyone. Eventually though I just wanted to disappear and the hallways became a nightmare. I was always pushed around and treated like something much less significant than a person.

Now it is time to leave this hopeless town. Theres nothing left here for me and I need to go start a new life. Winter will be here soon enough so I hope by then to find somewhere new for me. Somewhere to go. Somewhere to be somebody.

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