Reassurance | Teen Ink


October 10, 2013
By Julia124 BRONZE, Englewood, New Jersey
Julia124 BRONZE, Englewood, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once stranded, she flourished. It yielded her motivation and drive. No help, no assistance; she flew. She soared, hoping to find someone to share everything with once again. Failing to fulfill this desire, she fell; fell into nothing, realizing she needed someone, or maybe just something. ‘To love is to live’, the girl perceived.‘But why? why can’t I be happy and not love?’ Everyone needs love. Without love, one cannot live. To love something is happiness, to love someone is pure bliss and excitement. With this understanding the girl sought out on a journey to find her one true love. Whether it be love for someone, or love and passion for something great; she was determined to find it and live in the ecstasy it inundated her soul with.

This is the story of Alice. A girl on a hunt for love. A girl looking to find herself and the thing that molds her being more than anything else, her passion..her one true love. Though, not knowing who or what it is yet, Alice is determined, and refuses to stop this pursuit until she finds what truly makes her who she is.

It’s sunny and clear, however its night time. Her demeaning thoughts and shameful feelings are eradicated by the sunny night. She’s delightful and joyous. Why? She’s alone and quiet, but has never been more comfortable. The solicitous feeling of her obtaining her aspiration filled her body, giving her the hope she’s been waiting for. The chimes on her bike basket ring with the wind, reminding her of the time, allowing her to hop back on her bike and make her way through the park. As she cycled along the smoothly paved concrete path through the willowed trees, she felt the wind kiss her cheeks and comb through her hair. Her eyes watered while the air pierced her pupils allowing them to become dry. She wiped the salt water from the side of her cheekbone, and wiped the back of her hand on her lilac dress. Pedaling through the endless forest, she almost hoped to never return home, and remain in the comfort of the trees. Swinging from branches and living off rainwater; she’d be happy and content.

As she opened the door to her apartment, she yawned and rubbed her eyes. It was 11:45 pm. Alice took off her worn and wrinkled lilac dress, and threw it on the antique chair in her bedroom. She slipped into a pair violet pajama pants and a tattered T-shirt she got at her boss’ wedding party. “Just Married:Under New Management” the shirt read in tie dye writing. She hated the shirt, but it was the kind of cotton that felt almost like silk, so she settled for it being her sleep shirt; that way no one would have to subject her to the embarrassment of ever going to that wedding in the first place, let alone wearing that dumb shirt.

She unfolded her body into her bed sheets and became limp. She laid her head on her floral printed pillow and fastened her eyelids. She fell into a deep sleep and began to dream. Soon, she underwent her rem sleep. Her eyelids fluttered and her body jittered. She descended deeper and deeper into her doze and dreaming. She dreamt of the happiness of not only herself but happiness of the world; where everything is great and gratified. She dreamt of her dreams and aspirations coming true, although she didn’t yet know what her goals consisted of. She saw old friends she hasn’t seen in years. They drank coffee and walked on sidewalks until they became bored, and skipped on electrical lines and whistled until the sunset. She and her old friends soon reached the bay, where they sat on the old fishing dock and watched as the fish danced in the moonlight. They jumped in and joined the fish. They danced and swam. A whale of unusually small size came and kissed Alice on the nose. He told her “love where you are and don’t worry about where you are going, because in time you will be there.” For once she was happy in the moment, pleased with her being, and lost in elation.

7:27 am, she woke up with a gleaming smirk illuminating on her face. She’s relaxed and content. Her dream helped her to realize that she can be truly happy in the moment without the worry or fretfulness of what is yet to come. She realized that all she needs to live is love and what she life.

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