Juju part three | Teen Ink

Juju part three

July 8, 2013
By Rose22 SILVER, Shutesbury, Massachusetts
Rose22 SILVER, Shutesbury, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When we walked in to their house it was full of amazing cat things. A climbing structure, a cat bowl full of food and water, everything a cat could ask for...except his sisters and mother, all gone.
I walked over to the food bowl, hungry after a long car ride. Putting my head down in to the food, like my mother had showed me, I realized that the crunchies kept sliding around i paused and wounder what to do. I looked up and saw my brother eating with his paws, then i tried and it worked! After, I did the same thing to the ice cold water sitting there for us to enjoy.
"Jack hi little Kitten" the little girl sat down next to me and picked me up squeezing me and whipping me around, finally putting me down. My name was jack and my brothers name was George. we loved how we could roam around, have fun on our climbing structure. we hated getting picked up, the only one i let pick me up was Marry who was four-teen. Marry was nice and she respects my feelings when I wanted to be put down.
One night the family was having dinner my brother was asleep,i was under the dinning room table when Daniel the eight year old boy dropped the bowl of mashed potatoes on the ground CLANG,SPLAT! All over me! "Dan how careless, go to your room. Jack is covered in it, poor kitten". Ms. Andy said to her son "Marry, please take him up and give him a bath".
I was stunned from that big sound and from the mess, that I did not realize water was being poured on me,it was so scary. I tried getting out but marry was smart and held a firm grip. When the water died down and then stopped Marry dried me off with a towel. From that day the only thing i learned is that loud noises and baths are super scary!
My brother and i stayed at the Andy's place for two whole years getting cared for and having a bunch of fun but then one night i smelled it, something my mother had warned me about...the smell of smoke!

The author's comments:
Third part of the Juju story


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