Not a swimmer | Teen Ink

Not a swimmer

May 28, 2013
By Anonymous

“Not a swimmer?”

It is 8:00 on a Spring Saturday morning. Birds were singing. The silence was broken with sounds of a screaming 5 year old. Franklin hated the water. “I don’t want to take a bath!” While running from the bathroom, he knocks down the trophy his father won. “Franklin, you come back here!” his mother shouted as she picked up the trophy. “I promise I will not get water in your face. Come and take a bath.” This had become a routine.
Summers went by with Franklin watching the children swim in the neighborhood pool. He always sat outside of the gate. The neighborhood pool was large. There were two life- guards and three diving boards and trophies filled the wall. The shallow end had water gushing from fountains and dumping from buckets. Then there was the deep end. It took Franklin’s breath away to think how deep it was. The sun always reflected off of it making it look dark and ever so deep.
Again, he sits and watches. Laughter and screams of joy filled the air. Swimmers were plunging off the diving board. One after another, penguins at home. The divers flipped in the air before piercing the water. It always reminded him of Aqua-man. Franklin realized that it would take super powers for him to get into the pool. The sound of water splashing and the smell of chlorine were making him dizzy. Fifteen years old, tall and slender with a swimmer’s body, Franklin still did not like the water. The splashing and the screaming did not look like fun to him. For some reason, it looked frightening. He was drawn to it and yet afraid.
“Hi honey, how was your day?” A question Franklin’s mom always asked. “The school is holding tryouts for the swim team.” Franklin replied. This statement shocked her. His father was an Olympic swimmer. He won trophies. Franklin was born in the water. He spent a lot of time in the water. It would be natural for him to want to swim. But, ever since that day, he has been afraid of water. What day? The day his father died in the pool. Franklin found him. Since then, we’ve moved. We no longer have a pool. Franklin was so young when it happened. He was 4 years old. He never talked about it. He just didn’t like water. “Are you going to try out?” his mother asked. “Suzie is on the team and thinks that I should. She thinks it will look good on my college application.” Franklin answered. “If you decide to try out, I am sure you will do great. Let me know.” His mother said.
The stadium will filled with so many competitors. “I did not know this many people would be watching” Franklin nervously stated to Suzie. “Believe it or not, they are not paying attention to you. I am.” I know that you will be the best swimmer. Now hurry up and get on the team.” She said with a grin. Franklin had to stay focused. There was a battle going on inside of him. A part of him warned him about the water while another part gave him peace and confidence. Unsure of which would win out, Franklin walked to the edge. Waited for the whistle and plunged into the water link a penguin. He felt at home. He was Aqua-man. It was natural and calm. Whistles and horns broke his tranquil state. “The winner is Franklin.” The coach’s voice was heard through the water, whistles and horns. Franklin was on the team.
“Hi honey, how was your day?” His mother asked. “I am not afraid of water any more.” Franklin stated with pride. “Oh really?” His mother probed. “I am a swimmer! Franklin stated.

The author's comments:
I have fears and there are ways to grow out of them. People can help.

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