A Beginning at an End | Teen Ink

A Beginning at an End

May 27, 2013
By Sadie Mincey BRONZE, Mc Donough, Georgia
Sadie Mincey BRONZE, Mc Donough, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tick, Tick, Tick. The minute hand can't move fast enough. All I can think about is finally getting out of this place. My mind is racing with plans for tonight and for the next two months. Its Summer baby! But as I peel my eyes from the clock, I look at the faces of my peers. My joy begins to fade into a bittersweet feeling. This may very well be the last time I see a lot of these people. They'll be off to college, and I'll be getting my life together for senior year. It is sad to think about that. I have no idea what life is going to bring us or what is going to happen to us two or twenty years from now.
Brrrrinnngg...as the final bell of the year rings, the cliché screams and shouts fill the hallways. But, I sit in my desk and reminisce on the past years with my friends. We will never get them back, so I hope and pray that we always remember the great times we had together.
As I get up for the last time from my seat in Ms Kelly's class, I shake off my gloomy mood and slap a smile on my face. I should be excited for these people, they are starting a whole new chapter in a brand new book. New plots, new characters and new unknown events. This is the time for them to make mistakes, get lost in a strange town, make the wrong turn and run out of gas some where or wake on a boat somewhere. I am happy for them. It's just sad to look back and see how fast time flew by.
Once I reach the front doors of the school and see all the familiar cars rushing out of the parking lot, I start to feel a sense of relief. Summer is here, and I can taste it. The sweet smell of honeysuckle and strawberries fills the air. There is nothing that can stop me now. These sad thoughts are gone from my mind.
I walk briskly to my car on the other side of the parking lot. This is the only time I've been glad that my parking space is so far away, as it gives me a chance to say goodbye to everyone on my way out. When I get in my truck my windows go straight down. I blare my favorite country song and I pull out of that parking lot. This may be the last day of school this year, but it's the first day of summer and the first day of the rest of our lives.

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