Sniff | Teen Ink


May 24, 2013
By Waldo306 BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
Waldo306 BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Jack… Jack… Jack!” Coming back from his personal abyss he looked up “Call it” said the man. “2:36 PM patient’s wounds where too severe she could not be saved” Muttered Jack. “You did all that you could, don’t blame yourself”. Don’t worry jack you wash up we’ll clean this up. Jack looked up and nodded. Jack took off his gloves and walked to the bathroom. Looking the mirror thinking in his head. Did I really do all that I could? I could have done better! She should be alive! Falling to the floor Jack started to cry like solemn river flowing down his face. In case of this situation Jack brought his medicine keeping it in a baggy in his pocket. Sniff. And with that he had the energy of ten men and the focus that could last for day. He felt mix emotions of anger depression, and guilt. Looking in the mirror and cleaned himself up and proceeded to leave the bathroom. Waiting for him outside the bathroom one of the nurses that was with jack during the operation. “Are you going to ok Jack?” Jack staring at the nurse looking for anything to vent his emotions to yelled “I just lost her in their! And you think I am going to be ok”! The nurse looking petrified retreating even asking a small question “I’m sor…” Jack cutting her off “No you don’t know what I am going thru right now! You have no idea!” This whole scene drawing the attention of everyone in the room in including Jack boss. “Jack! Come here a second!” With heavy breathing and anger Jack said “Yes Mr. Johnson”. Replying Mr. Johnson said “Look Jack we all know you losing Emily must devastate you emotionally, but you can’t just take it on your co-workers, take the day off set arrangements and notify you’re loved ones”. Barley a peep Jack mutter “yes… thank you.” Gabbing his jacket and his car keys he headed to car. Driving home Images of her Emily kept on appearing in Jacks mind. Memories of the time they had together on her first birthday, when she went to pre-school, and when said her first word. Arriving home laying his keys coffee table in his living room he picked up a frame with all three of them. Saying to himself “I lost you to get Emily… and now she’s gone… I hope that you to are together” Laying down on the couch he pulled out a large bag. Spreading out his medicine, Sniff. Saying out loud “god I wish with you two”. Sniff. “I did everything that I could, and it wasn’t enough”. Sniff. “I guess I’ll see you both soon” and with a last big Sniff. He laid their and hoped that he would see his family in heaven.

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