Lost Memories | Teen Ink

Lost Memories

April 23, 2013
By xLovexxHate BRONZE, Seirra Vista, Arizona
xLovexxHate BRONZE, Seirra Vista, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” I whispered to myself, this was bad no one was supposed to get hurt “You promised that you wouldn’t actually hurt anybody Brianna!” I yelled at her.
She wasn’t paying attention I couldn’t help but think she was happy that everything ended up this way. She looked up, on her face was the creepiest smile I had ever seen, and then she pounced. Everything went black.
That’s the only memory I have. I’m sure that more things had happened in my childhood but I don’t remember anything. I stared up at the cream colored walls.
“Wait….Where am I?” I thought to myself.
I heard a knock at the door, A young woman with chocolate brown hair walked in, she looked like she was somewhere in her mid-thirties.
“Where am I” I asked
“You’ve forgotten again?” she asked with a surprised tone. I couldn’t help but look up at her confused, she sighed
“This happened about three months ago, you lost all you’re memories then too” she pause for a moment then continued “Your memories will come back soon enough so you don’t need to worry too much everyone here will take care of you. You’re at Freemont’s retirement home; you’ve lived here for about ten years now.”
She smiled softly to me; I could tell that I would be able to trust everything she said. “Oh by the way, it’s time for breakfast, Shelby sent me to come wake you up to eat.”
I slowly got out of bed and made my way to her after a few seconds we started to walk down a huge hallway and turned to the left. I looked up and say two women and a man sitting at the table eating.
“Shelby get in here” The woman I was standing with yelled.
“I’m coming Jenifer” said a voice from the kitchen. ‘So her names Jenifer’ I thought. I was pulled out of my thoughts as a lady with blonde hair walked in the room and looked up at me
“Good morning Mrs. Woods, I hope you had a good night’s sleep,” the blonde woman who I’m guessing is Shelby said.
Jenifer replied before I could “It’s happened again Shelby, she’s lost her memories”
“Again…She just got all of them back!”
“The doctor said that it’s because of old age and that it would happen allot, but this is ridiculous.”
“I know, I guess we’ll just do what the doctor told us to do last time. We’ll just have to wait for her to get her memories back by herself.”
“Last time it took about two days, there’s no telling how long it will take this time.”
“We just have to be patient and see what happens.”
I could barely keep up with their conversation, they were talking so fast. I learned something though, apparently this has happened before and it shouldn’t take very long for me to get the memories back.
Shelby looked at me then began to speak “You should probably sit down and eat something.”
I looked at her for a moment before I sat down and began eating the oatmeal in front of me.
After breakfast I walk into what looked like the living room and took a seat in a large chair, it was really comfortable. Before I knew it I had dozed off.
“Jasmine! You get in here right now!” my mother yelled at me.
I could tell she was very upset. I slowly made my way into the dining room were my mom stood, she was so mad I swore I could see smoke coming out of her head, just like in the cartoons. My mother looked down at me and took a deep breath just like she always does before she starts yelling.
“Jasmine Mari Woods! How dare you tell Jessie that the tooth fairy isn’t real, She hasn’t stopped crying since you told her! Why on earth did you have to tell her something like that!” she yelled in her big scary mom voice.
“Because she’s seven years old now, she should already know that the tooth fairy isn’t real. I was helping her; all the kids in her class were making fun of her because she still believes in the tooth fairy!” I yelled back at my mother.
That was a big mistake, not even to seconds after I yelled at her she had slapped me across the face.
“Don’t you ever talk to me like that again, I am you’re mother, you are not allowed to talk to me in that manner young lady! And how dare you tell your sister that the tooth fairy isn’t real, she’s a little girl, you’re not helping by telling her that. The only thing you’re doing by telling her that is crushing her imagination! And you wouldn’t get anywhere in life you have no imagination!
I didn’t even think about answering her I just ran to my room crying.
“Mrs. Woods… Mrs. Woods! Are you okay?”
I opened my eyes to see Shelby standing over me with a worried expression. I smiled at her hoping to ease the worry on her face.
“I’m sorry I woke you up, you were crying in your sleep and it worried me.” Shelby said in a soft tone.
“Don’t worry about it, No harm done”
She smiled at when started walking away. ‘I wonder what that dream was? Was it a memory of mine?’ I pushed my thoughts aside and started back to my room, on my way I saw a vase with a beautiful purple flower in it. Everything around me began to blur.
“Look it mommy, look what I picked for you!” I stood their holding a beautiful purple tulip out to her. Mother took it and examined it.
“What a pretty tulip Jasmine, thank you,” she smiled at me and continued to speak “Don’t pick too many flowers Jasmine, we should leave some for other people to enjoy.
“I know mommy, I only wanted one so I could give it to you. I want to leave the rest so everyone will know how pretty the flowers are.” I had a huge smile on my face.
“Mrs. Woods? Are you okay?”
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up and saw Jenifer.
“Yes I’m fine; I was just heading back to my room”
Jenifer looked at me with confusion in her eyes.
“Ok, be careful”
I Opened the door to my room and walked in ‘Maybe I can find something to help me get my memory back’ I started looking through my room, I stopped when I saw a box that was labeled ‘Photo Album’. I picked it up and started looking through it. I stopped when I got to a picture that looked like me and the girl Jessie that I had a memory of earlier; she was older in this picture maybe around sixteen or seventeen years old. I closed my eyes.
“I’m here about a girl named Jessie” I paused for a moment then continued. “She was in a car wreck last night”
The nurse looked at me for a moment then looked through some files on her computer. Her expression changed; at first she looked shocked but then her face relaxed a bit and she looked back at me.
There was silence for a few minutes and I have to admit the silence annoyed me. I just wanted her to tell me how my sister was doing, and all could do is look at me.
I finally spoke up impatiently and asked “So? How is she?” Again all the nurse did was look at me. It was really starting to get on my nerves. I didn’t have all day. I wanted to know how my sister was doing and I wanted to know now, not in five hours. The nurse finally began to speak up.
“I’m sorry but I will go get the doctor who is in charge, she will have to tell you.” Then she walked away to go get the doctor all I could do was take a seat and wait. As I was waiting I started thinking about what the nurse said.” I thought “does that mean something happened? Does that mean something really bad happened? Or does it mean everything’s fine?”
I thought about it for what seemed like hours but I knew it couldn’t have been more than five minutes.
The doctor walked up to me “I’m sorry to say this but your sister’s injuries were quite serious, said the doctor “we tried really hard but I’m afraid we couldn’t save her,” she said apologetically before she walked away.
I opened my eyes. ‘So that what happened to her.’ I felt a few tears slip from down my face, “such a tragic thing to happen to someone so young” I said out loud.
There was a knock at the door; I wiped the tears from my face before getting up and walking towards the door. I opened it to see Shelby, she looked up at me.
“I have something that I should tell you, you see about five months ago you had to go to the hospital, a week later we found out that you wouldn’t last another six months. I’m sorry I had to tell you after you lost your memories but it close to the due date.”
Shelby was crying the whole time she was talking. I wasn’t surprised when she told me; I had already figured that something was wrong. Somehow I felt relieved when she told me the truth.
“Thanks for telling me the truth Shelby, I somehow feel relieved,” I smiled at her.
She continued to cry “I have to go make dinner so if you’ll excuse me”
She walked out crying I liked how much it seemed she cared for me. I only hope that I get all my memories back before I die.

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