The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

March 22, 2013
By Anonymous

As I sit in the hallway with my classmates, thinking how I always seem to sit alone. We all await further instruction from the principle. As every single student sits, scared from what was announced. I look at my two friends who seem very far away, but yet they are sitting right next to me. I can’t seem to wonder why I feel alone all the time. I heard a crash and it was all over.
It was a bright sunny morning. I had just woken up and went outside to enjoy the fresh air. I looked up as I was outside and saw not a single cloud.
“Today is going to be a wonderful day,” I said. I was excited to go to school that day. It was senior prom night. I have been preparing for senior prom for two years. I wanted it to be the most wonderful, most spectacular night of my life. I had a true date, unlike every year before then I went with friends.
The bus stopped in front of my house. I was unaware of the time; I didn’t realize I was late getting to my stop down the street. It didn’t bother me too much. I walked to the bus and got on and I saw my friend Evan and sat next to him. He was a cute looking boy; he had skater hair and wore skinny jeans all the time. He is a tenth grader and even though he looked as if he were twelve, he was really fifteen. Because he is only in tenth grade he can’t go to prom unless someone invited him that is in a higher class.
“Hey Evan, how are you this morning?” I asked.
“I’m good. Hey, can I ask you something?” Evan seemed a little sad at the moment.
“Sure, what is it?”
“There’s this eleventh grader that I know and I want to ask her out, but I don’t know how. Can you help me?”
“Sure thing.”
We get off the bus and go to our first period class that we have at a different school. I can see that he is anxiously waiting to go to our school so he can see her. After class we went and got on the bus to go to our school. Evan was silent the whole way there.
When we got to our school he showed me who she was. I didn’t know her but I didn’t have a problem talking to her for him either. I had to wait till lunch to go and talk to her. Her name was apparently Katherine.
“Hey Katherine, how are you today?” I asked trying to get the conversation going.
“Who are you, and what do you want?” Katherine said. You could tell she’s a girl with attitude, but I think it’s because she saw me talking to Evan.
“Evan wanted me to tell you something.”
“Well what is it?”
“He really likes you and he wants you to meet him after school.” I said and walked away.
It felt like math class was taking forever, like I already knew what was going on. I started to doze off and that’s when the siren when off. I though it was the teacher trying to wake me up but it was coming from the intercom. We all went into the hall and sat down calmly. I looked around me and saw my friends next to me. They looked scared. I wondered how I looked. Was I scared? Calm? Does anyone know? I am too afraid to ask; I thought it was just a drill. The teachers looked scared and then the principle went onto the intercom.
“All students and faculty, this is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill. Thank you. Hope we get through this safely.” He said, his voice shaking. The last sentence was more of a whisper.
I was not scared. I had no fear. I wasn’t praying to get home safely; I just hoped my family at home is safe. I called my mom.
“Hello?” My mom asked through the phone. I could tell she was worried.
“Mom, I may not make it today but I just want you to know I love you.” I was trying not to cry as I was saying my last good byes to my mom. It was very hard for me to think I may never see her again. I may never see my brother or dad again. As I thought about it more and more I started to cry. Only one tear fell down. CRASH! The whole school was torn in half. I looked around only one of my two friends was still alive. I was so scared after that. Was I dead? Was I alive? How was I to know? I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called my mom again.
“Hello? Desaray? Are you okay?” My mom kept asking questions till I finally said.
“Mom can you hear me?” I asked hoping she could. I didn’t want to be dead. I wanted to go home and see my mom again. It felt like forever, waiting for my mom to answer. The phone was disconnected. I went into the bathroom to see if I could see my reflection. As I looked at myself I saw I had a large scrape across my face. It was the left side. It looked as if something had flown past me and caught my face, as if someone were to dig his or her nails into my skin and peal my skin off. I was bleeding, but not too bad. My phone started ringing; it was my mom.
“Hello?” I asked hoping she would answer.
There was still silence. I was really hoping she would answer. It kind of scared me. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming that I wasn’t dead.
“Hello?” My mom had finally answered. “Are you okay?”
I was so relieved. “I’m okay mom. I don’t think I’m to badly injured.”
“What happened?” I could tell my mom wanted to come get me that instant.
“Something came through the school and ripped my face but I think I’ll be okay. You can come get me if you really need to.” I said surprisingly calm. All I could think about was going home and thinking of my family and how much I wanted to hug them. When I see my mom pull up to get me I think of all that’s happened today. I get into the car and we drive away.
I wake up and sit on my bed. I had remembered what had happened the day before. I sit there thinking how there is no school today and that I could rest. As I was deep in my thoughts my mom walks into my room.
“I love you mom.” I say. I never really truly wanted to die, I just wanted to see my mom again and live a long life.
“What’s gotten into you? Never mind, get up and get ready for school.” My mom said. She seemed a little aggravated.
“What about the storm that happened yesterday? Isn’t the school still torn in half?”
“Sweetie, what are you talking about? There was no storm. You must have been dreaming.” My mom said and I just sit there in shock.

The author's comments:
This Piece was an assignment that my teacher assigned to us and everyone seemed to like it. It was a free-for-all type of writing.

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