Drunken Fatalities | Teen Ink

Drunken Fatalities

January 9, 2013
By gabriellesquitieri BRONZE, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
gabriellesquitieri BRONZE, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The air is cold and bitter, chilled with mourning and sorrow. Last night was the accident, no survivors. In a quaint town during the early hours of the morning, a new drunk had just stumbled his way out of the bar and clumsily into the drivers’ seat. He attempts to push the keys into the ignition, missing a few times before it glides right in. He turns the key and his car roars to life. Without realizing, he takes off on an insanely high speed on the empty highway, not a car in sight.

A mother is driving on the same highway just a mere mile ahead with her two children fast asleep in the back seat. They had just fled their old house, narrowly escaping the abusive clutches of their father and husband. The nerve wracked mother slows down her car as she tires from hours of driving away, giving a casual glance into her rear view mirror, as a pair of headlights come barreling down the road.

He speeds up, not noticing the slower car in front of him until last second, but he’s too slow to react. He covers his face with his forearm.

He’s too close behind for her to swerve out of the way. She shouts at her kids to wake up, and gets out a quick “I love you” before the blinding headlights collide with the rear of her vehicle.

Metal crushing, grinding, bending, screams gasping for only seconds before the highway falls silent once more. The contorted mess not found until a matter of a few hours later.

No survivors.

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