A New Beginning | Teen Ink

A New Beginning

November 9, 2012
By BarrelGirl35 BRONZE, Waterford, Pennsylvania
BarrelGirl35 BRONZE, Waterford, Pennsylvania
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

As the bright sun rose, so did the mare in foal. Nobody on this entire world could have predicted what the day’s events would have in store and how it could change the lives of a girl and her horse.

Dally had been up long before the old rooster’s morning crow, her night was a restless one. November 5th, exactly two years ago, Dally’s world came crashing down with an almighty bang. The day her family would never be the same, the day her father was pronounced deceased after he had been gone all day hauling horses for a friend. What seemed like a simple act of kindness to help out a neighbor escalated into a horror when the truck and trailer Dally’s father had been driving flipped three times only to meet a pine tree 50 yards off the road. Dally had tried not to think about that retched day. She had bigger plans to worry about today, not dwell on the past. Today was the day her beloved mustang mare, Phantom, was due to have her foal! Dally rushed around the empty farm house, fiddling with her old worn out cowgirl boots. She’d have to remind herself later to pick up a new pair after she sold her litter of blue tics. As Dally entered the old in need of repair barn, she found only disappointment. No baby horse from Phantom. Whinnies and soft nickers escalated from Phantoms large box stall. Had she been waiting for Dally? Phantom had waxed over the night before so her foal should be arriving any minute now. Dally laid fresh straw for Phantom and gave her some grain and a few carrots, then went to the corner of the stall, sat down and waited. Phantom came over, lay down and rested her head on Dally’s lap. The undying love between a girl and her horse is something so magical no words could ever do it justice if attempted to be described. All of a sudden Phantom began grunting and unable to get up. Here comes the baby? Eleven months Dally had waited for this moment. First came the precious, soft, velvet like nose, followed by the two front tiny, fragile hooves of Gods greatest creation. Breaking the beauty, Phantom made a horrifying sound and the birth came to an ultra-halt. Her foal was stuck! Dally tried everything to get the foal out but she was too late. When the foal finally dropped she already suffocated in the birthing sack. Phantom lay on the ground, for she knew her baby was gone. Dally gave the midnight black foal CPR but it was no use. November 5th was a day for death.

Later that night, Dally’s cousin had come to check for the new arrival that was expected. What she found was not flowers and rainbows. Phantom and Dally died along with the foal. The bond between a girl and her horses cannot be broken, even to the extremist levels.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired about my own life and experiences. After losing my horse, I felt lost and writing helps. Also, I lost my Grandfather on November 5the two years ago therefore I honor this piece to him.


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