The Perfect Day | Teen Ink

The Perfect Day

September 17, 2010
By Dubella456 BRONZE, Glen Gardner, New Jersey
Dubella456 BRONZE, Glen Gardner, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Enjoy life, make dreams real, and never give up!" -Me <------------ Its keeps me hopeful.

I lay in the tall grass, feeling the gentle breeze blowing my hair into my face. The sun was rising, the breeze was light, the temperature perfect, and the setting was beautiful. I sat up as I saw more and more of the sun. All the warm colors known to man, and some unknown, lightly covering the surface of the Earth, like the colors were giving the Earth a light kiss on the forehead, like a mother does to their child. I looked at my watch 6:15 on a Saturday. I looked up to see the sun and saw its beaming face smiling at me. It rays peak over the horizon, and it’s up in the air. It seemed to be looking for the moon which was right behind me. It was a never-ending game of tag. The sun continues its journey to the sky, and it gives me wink. I smile back, feeling the light breeze blowing my hair. I close my eyes, and I can feel the warm hug the sky is giving me, I hear the rustling of leaves, and not a car sound anywhere. The field is empty and it’s just me, time, and the sun. I lay back down, only to notice the sky was changing from orangey pinks to a sky blue. No clouds at all. I grabbed my iPod out of my backpack and turn on some peaceful music. The day was perfect, no homework, nothing to do, on a Saturday. I felt as if I was at balance for once. Being a teen there are usually two extremes excited/crazy or angry/upset. It was almost near next to impossible to feel balanced/relaxed. It felt great, not having to care about a worry in the world.

The day went by and the sun got higher until it was right above my head, it was lunch time. I grabbed a BLT out of my backpack that I bought from the general store. I took a bite to first taste the juice of the tomato then the bacon, and to wrap it all up the lettuce. Deliciousness danced on my taste buds. I grab out a water bottle filled with lemonade. I took the last bite of my sandwich and the last sip of the most amazing lemonade ever. I pulled out a purple napkin and wiped my mouth. I put it in the plastic bag in exchange for a book. I laid and opened to my bookmark. I was reading Sense and Sensitivity by Jane Austen. The words dangle in my head as the amazing words turned to poetry then to a song. That’s what a book was, a song. I glanced over to my watch to see its 3:30. I shook my head and put the book away. I still had a few more hours to kill.
I looked up to the sky; some white clouds were rolling in. I remember the weather forecast, no rain. It was early the end of winter and the start of spring. The sky filled up, and I started to get worried. I was about ten, fifteen minutes from without a cell phone. I packed up my stuff just in case. I was upset because I was becoming unbalanced, stupid clouds. I stood, stretched then started to run around. I was running through the field without a care in the world. I was stopped by something, it was wet. I looked up, the sky was gray. I sighed and looked around the field for my bag. I couldn’t find it, and then it started pouring. I was almost drenched down to my under garments. After franticly searching for my lost bag, I found it. I started to run home, my white converse were turning brown because of the mud. I was worried about my book the most. It was my prized possession. After rounding the last corner, my clothes are saturated; my hair is what it would be like after I took a shower. I walked through the front door, kicked off my shoes, and went upstairs to change. I came back down stairs and to my discovery no one was home. I opened the windows in the living room so I could listen to the rain. I could still have my perfect day, even if it was raining. The rain was a soothing sound, I get a blanket to put on me and rest my head in my arms. Before I knew it I was asleep. My dream, was about my perfect day.

The author's comments:
This what my perfect day would be like. Unfortunately, it hasn't happened yet. I also felt like writing a story.


This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 30 2010 at 2:45 pm
Dubella456 BRONZE, Glen Gardner, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Enjoy life, make dreams real, and never give up!" -Me <------------ Its keeps me hopeful.

Ya, I know it's not all in the right tense, but whatever.