Alone | Teen Ink


June 12, 2010
By GrayGriffin GOLD, Hsinchu, Other
GrayGriffin GOLD, Hsinchu, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The rocks were pressing in, she knew it. Her hands pressed against the rough grittiness of the stone. She was beyond pain by now, unable to feel the hurt of the scrapes, only able to feel a small trickle of blood running down the palms. She stumbled and fell to her knees with a gasp, and heard a rumble as several rocks crashed near her. Putting out her hands, she realized that the path forwards wasn't blocked, but she would have to work hard to uncover it.

She squared her shoulders resolutely, and began to drag the rocks away. For the first time, a sharp pain shot up her arm as her senses returned. She dropped the rock she was holding, hearing it clatter away. A cloud of dust rose up and filled her mouth, making her cough and choke. She spat repeatedly and rubbed her arm, trying to recover the feeling. She had to get out of this living hell before anything else happened! But at the same time, she got the feeling it was no use-she would never make it.

So instead, she turned and began walking back. One thing she knew was that it was unprofitable to look upon what might have been. Instead, she made a different decision-to see what had been, and take a new path.


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