Détendre. Apprécier. Menez. | Teen Ink

Détendre. Apprécier. Menez.

April 19, 2010
By Anonymous

Night was a tricky thing, it led you on with the shining stars and moon; got you to think they shone so brightly they scared off the real night, the dark and dreary one everyone knew. Naturally, there were those who weren’t affected by night. Those who didn’t listen to its empty promises of good. However, lying on the beach I let myself get led on, by letting night whisper its sweet nothings in my ear. I breathed in contentment and out troubles; nothing mattered right now, I was happy. The good kind of happy; the one you feel on those winter days where you can see the deep breaths you take, and even when you’ve been inside for hours the smell of snow still clings to your clothes and hair, permeating the air around you. All the stress of life was so far away right now it may as well have never existed, and right then during the summer at the beach, I guess it didn’t. I glanced over at him wondering if he was as intoxicated by the surroundings as I was. You could never tell with him because he kept things all locked up inside that it was heard to know what he was thinking; but boy you could see him thinking, I like to think I can sometimes see his mind turning in his head, mulling something over. I knew him the best, I think, oh sure there are those little things you don’t know because you can’t, but he and I always knew each other’s big stuff, the important things; looking over at him I could just make him out, his body bathed by the moonlight, yeah I knew him pretty well I thought. We had been friends for a long time, and I needed that, a true friend, a best friend; he was that for me, my best friend.

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