Walk in the cemetery | Teen Ink

Walk in the cemetery

April 13, 2010
By Darby SILVER, Boise, Idaho
Darby SILVER, Boise, Idaho
9 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know you and you know me, the one thing I can tell you is you got to free!"- John Lennon

Mist swirled around my feet making deadly patterns in their white depts. The tops of graves poked over the ghostly blanket covering the ground. A walk through the graveyard, great.

My name is Sarah and my friend Marlowe dared me to walk through this graveyard that’s in our neighborhood. Usually I’m not this stupid but when your high on Halloween candies, sugar can cloud up your mind. After losing a bet I find myself here, the center of all cheesy Halloween movies. But now, walking down the path hearing the rythmotic crunch of gravel under foot, those movies seem more and more real.

I couldn’t see the gate but distantly I could here kids shrieking with mock fright and giggling with joy. I could almost see myself now, rubbing my triumph in Marlowe’s sorry face. I even let out a small smile. But that smile melted when I heard a rustling behind me. It was very faint and distant but could the fog be damping out the sound, could it really be right behind me.

I didn’t run. I just kind of looked nervously around and yes; you guessed it, started whistling. This was turning out more and more like something from Michael Jackson’s Thriller, just what I wanted. This Halloween hasn’t been turning out for the better.

I was jerked out of that thought when the sound rustled behind me again. This time it was closer than before, I could tell the difference drastically which wasn’t good at all. I turned my head slightly, somehow hoping to see Marlowe in her scary clown garb, stalking me, trying to scare me. I didn’t, but were those tips of black ears popping out of the shadows, something big and black slipping in and out of a white sea like a serpent from prehistoric times.

I started walking faster and my heart began to race. My stomach was slowly and painfully dropping down to my feet. The gravel under my shoes was now crunching in uneven strokes, being scattered by the fast movement of my legs. But things were about to get a lot faster.

I stopped when I saw the tips of the pointed, black gate that was an exit. I was about to breath a sigh of relief when I heard gravel crunching. I realized instantly that it wasn’t my feet that were making that sound but something else.

That’s when I ran, a full out sprint, something that the Olympians could be proud of. I probably couldn’t run that fast again.
My legs were burning with all the strain and I was being guided by the sound of kids terrorizing each other with their silly games and jokes. And for once, I would rather be out there with them.

With horror I felt my foot slip under an exposed root. I fell hard and landed painfully on my shoulder. That’s not the only thing that fell; I think my stomach rolled of somewhere too, because I couldn’t feel it anymore. In fact, I couldn’t feel anything accept my own fear, which screamed inside me, and I was afraid that I would explode.

You know that feeling, when you really wish you could go back in time and change something, and everything would have turned out different, I was really feeling that now.

I’m going to die, I thought. Now I wont be able to go to collage and start a family. That thought was interrupted by the though, well at least Marlowe will feel guilty knowing that she the one that killed me.

That’s when the thing came out of the fog; it was my greatest nightmare, black slobbery, wait… Jackson? Jackson is my dog and is known through out the neighborhood for his escaping tactics. He must have gotten out when Marlowe and I passed my house on the way to the graveyard and followed us there wondering what we were doing. And boy, I was never happier!

The author's comments:
It was halloween and I felt like writing this after my sister dared her friend to walk through a graveyard.

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This article has 1 comment.

Aunt karen said...
on Apr. 29 2010 at 6:45 pm
Again, another story that kept me on the edge of my seat. How about a little ghost hunting?