Wake up! | Teen Ink

Wake up!

December 9, 2009
By Anonymous

"You need to wake up." As i wake, thoughts rain on the ground. There is more than one possible outcome. I survived for the last 14 years. In four years, my time to be one my own will arrive. Neighbors finally did something right. Of any morning's in my past experiences , this is the longest ever.

Showered up , my hair is the longest it's ever been. "you have to show us any bruises you have." A procedure that's been avoided since last night. Listening to the cry in side my head, I pull off my shirt. they see pain, torture, stories that have been left unsaid. Puzzled, a feeling i want to dread, note knowing if this is going to end. Snap, flash, scrath, documenting my scars and pain. Will they help me? Can I continue?

A Tear runs down my face, it leaves my eyes. They leave my only landing in a never ending river of pain. I stander there , nose fades, i fall in to sleep. No food, in four days. All she wanted twas to cover her pain, seeing her consume a substance with no answers to her problem. Hitting a pinata with a bat the candy comes out. She laid her hands on me, but her pain never came out.

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