Speechless | Teen Ink


November 19, 2009
By Erika Hawes BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
Erika Hawes BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The road was extremely narrow. Walking down the center with my arms outstretched to the sides, my fingertips brushed the leaves that hung from the low limbed trees. I’ve never seen so much green. Foliage extended up towards the heavens and covered almost every inch of the light blue sky. Regardless of the excessive shade, the bright sun miraculously lit my path. Looking down at my hands, I noticed they were also a tint of green as the surrounding color misleadingly reflected off my once pale skin.

After an hour of peaceful walking I came to a clearing. The meadow’s silky grass welcomed my exhausted body as I let myself sink into it. With my arms folded behind my head, my eyes wandered high above. I watched as cotton clouds floated slowly by and enjoyed every cool breeze that swept across my face. Never had I felt so calm. It was impossible to even imagine anything depressing or terrifying. It was the perfect day. I felt my eyes close and prayed I would not fall asleep and miss a second of this beautiful atmosphere.

My hands glided through the smooth grass by my sides until they met a new texture. I kept my eyes closed as I felt this warmer surface intertwine my fingers. It was similar to my skin only a little rougher. I let this familiar hand trace the grooves in my palm until it finally lay still comfortably on top.

I tilted my head to the side and smiled as his eyes met mine. Without saying a word we were perfectly in sync. I felt as though we both understood that the silence was meant to be kept. The day was destined to be wordless and we both knew it. Effortlessly we lay there in the stillness of the afternoon.

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