Pollination | Teen Ink


November 12, 2009
By missca1229 GOLD, North Tonawanda, New York
missca1229 GOLD, North Tonawanda, New York
11 articles 5 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life makes my heart sing

“Hey, Elle” Ashley said. I approached my locker for the last first day of high school. Today, I have prepared a speech for the class of 2010.

“Hey, Ash” I said.

“Are you nervous?"

“No, I’m flipping backwards in joy”


I walk into the auditorium with the people whom I am about to reach out to. My feet make a beat to the swag of my arms. I feel a vibration in my muscles as they gently push me up the inclined ground. As I look into the audience I see a variety of people. The lights block me from making eye contact with my peers as I speak these words that flow through me like wind through a tree on an autumn day. I sense a vibe that maybe this isn’t my place to be today. I lost confidence, stopped talking, and took a deep breath. “This is for them, not me,” I said in my world of consciousness.

“I know no one wants to hear another lecture. This is why I am not going to lecture you. I am simply stating how much power you have. If you were nice to your enemy, what would they say? If you were arguing with someone and told them they were right, the fight would not continue. Just by carrying on a few words of happiness, it passes it to others in need of it; others who don’t have anyone to trust or to look up to. This is all I am asking of you today, is that you join me, changing the world one person at a time…”


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