Modern Day Siren | Teen Ink

Modern Day Siren

October 7, 2009
By Jbcani BRONZE, Dededo, Other
Jbcani BRONZE, Dededo, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. - Robert Bloch

I sat there on my usual spot in the hallway, the school's chairs being so limited that half of the students end up sitting near the walls in the halls. I was deeply engrossed in a war novel, my favorite kind, that not even the prattling of another teacher who disproved of the way I wore my uniform would make me look up. That was about to change however. As I read a very detailed description of a battle in Vietnam, I heard a humming. This kind of sound would normally not bother me, but there was something to this humming. It embodied innocence and purity, two traits I hardly find anymore ever since I hit adolescence. I look up to find a girl sitting across the hall from me, she had chestnut colored hair that reached a few inches below her shoulders, a gentle set of eyes, and such radiant white skin that she practically glowed. She was the most angelic figure I ever had the privilege to see.

Then her humming stopped and I fell out of the trance I was in. I found my novel closed, and apparently I had dog-eared the page I was on, was I in such a rapture that I had done this subconsciously? Evidently. Instead of continuing my reading, I started to observe her. She was working very studiously on something, something that made her very impatient, a fact I knew from seeing the way she curled her hair with her finger and tapped the side of her notebook with her pen. At some points, she would get stuck in some sort of conundrum, this I recognized from the way she bit her bottom lip, but she persevered. I noticed her breathe a sigh of what appeared to be relief and saw her set down her pen. She lifted up slightly and looked at it as if she was about to recite something from her work. I was taken aback by what she did next.

She started to sing, softly at first, but soon grew loud enough for me to hear on the other side. No one paid her any heed, no one heard her, but me. And again, I was bewitched. Like the many sailors who end up shipwrecked after hearing the Siren's song, I too felt like I needed to head towards her, but somehow I managed to keep my place. When she finished, a deep empty feeling soon filled me, and my hand reached out towards her. I soon realized what I was doing and I quickly adjusted myself to my previous position. After her song, she started to look around, maybe hoping that nobody heard her. What she has to be embarrassed about after such a beautiful aria was beyond me. Soon her searching eyes were upon me. I quickly averted my gaze.

The author's comments:
Something nearly similar to this happened to me.

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This article has 2 comments.

MsP. said...
on Feb. 9 2010 at 1:38 pm
This is great. You are very talented. Hope you publish more.

on Feb. 5 2010 at 2:43 am
katiepickelsimer GOLD, Dededo, Other
13 articles 2 photos 41 comments

Favorite Quote:
Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love.

-Anais Nin

Wow I love this, you are a really good writer.