Second Grade | Teen Ink

Second Grade

October 7, 2009
By Anonymous

When I was in the second grade, I had always wanted to be a teacher. I used to pretend that I was teacher, and I would play school when I was at home. I went to school at Parley’s Park Elementary School, and my teacher was Mrs. Rametta. It was during the middle of the school year, and during this time I was in school at reading time (DDR- drop dead and read). In the room, there were desks in the middle of the room were people were sitting; tables were in the back where some people were sitting.

There was also a bookshelf in the corner of the room where there were two red baskets filled up with books and then two green baskets filled with books. Two on each side and in the middle, there was a brown teddy bear.

I had just finished the picture book that I was reading, so I was going to return it back to where the basket was. While I was looking I found a new book I wanted to read called Scary Mouse. When I looked behind me, I saw the teacher sitting in the front of the room and the room was dead silent. I took the book that I had found, and I started reading it to the brown bear aloud with voice of the mouse (like what they would sound like) and showing the pictures as i went to the bear.
I didn’t realize and I had forgotten that I was in school. The teacher said to me, “Jayme what are you doing over there?” Everyone in the class started laughing at me.
By this point, I was so scared and embarrassed, that I took the book, threw it at the teacher, ran out of the class, and didn’t come back ‘til the next day!

The author's comments:
this is my embarressing moment

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