Canyon of the World | Teen Ink

Canyon of the World

June 7, 2024
By happy_penguin1289 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
happy_penguin1289 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The bus was filled with tourists from wall to wall. My mom, sister, and I squished ourselves onto a two-person bench, and my dad grabbed onto one of the leather handles hanging from the ceiling. I looked up at the various pictures of animals on the ceiling of the bus. The Bighorn sheep - thrive in the desert scrubs of the canyon. Their large horns are used as a form of protection and ward of predators. The Vulture - a bird commonly found in the canyon. It has a powerful and opportunistic nature. 

While I was reading, a loud voice interrupted: “Anybody getting off at the red stop?” 

My mom started to frantically grab our backpack and water bottles.

“Come on girls this is us”

We pushed past the other tourists to get to the front. From the last step of the bus, I stepped into the reddish dirt. It reminded me of the color of rust.  We followed the rusty path towards a large group of fellow tourists looking out in amazement. My sister and I walked up to the edge, and there it was. The Grand Canyon.

My sister and I both gasped. I knew it was big, but didn’t have any idea how big until I was standing there looking right at it. 

The sun had just started to set and the varied shades of red, yellow, and orange blended together like a beautiful masterpiece. They danced across the tops of the canyon and reflected through its deep, curving channels.

At that moment my eyes had been opened. I realized just how big and beautiful the world really is. 

I scanned across the canyon and noticed a black blob soaring through the air. I focused in on the blob as it started to go in circles. It was the black vulture—the one I had just been reading about on the bus. It was searching for its next meal opportunity.

Watching the small creature in this vast setting sparked something in me. While I didn’t realize it at that moment, looking back I realized how the canyon represented the world. It gave a perspective on its grandness and how something as small as a vulture can have its place. How each living thing placed on this earth has its purpose. It makes me reflect on myself and my purpose. It reminds me to not stress about who I am and what I will do in my future. There is a purpose and I plan to fulfill it.

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