And the Thunder Rolls | Teen Ink

And the Thunder Rolls

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

Crack! Woosh! The wind howls at the old wood cabin while lightning is dispersed throughout the surrounding tree’s. Creek! Crash! The surrounding forest's trees are split into two, and sent crashing to the forest’s floor. Racing to the basement. Sirens blaring. Hand’s linked. And waiting huddled on the floor. Soon passing out from exhaustion. 

Waking up, the Infamous tornado has passed, leaving in its wake, destruction and dismay. As fast as it started, it was over. Buildings bulldozed brick by brick had once stood tall. It’s power like an atomic bomb, having no malice towards anyone, but continuing regardless. Power is out. Water is out. Families are out. Everyone, trying to ascertain the next step in rebuilding what had been destroyed, sits silently. Examining the wreck, looking for items: Picture frames, Car keys, Plants, and animals. The community, once separated by time, has come together, hand in hand. 

   “It will take us around 5 hours to get to your location, so please just sit tight and hold on,” the person on the other end of the 911 call explains. We have survived… But it’s only the beginning. 

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Hope you enjoy ;)

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