Why I Love the Sun | Teen Ink

Why I Love the Sun

December 7, 2023
By mhusien000 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
mhusien000 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My family is the sun of my life. The sun always shows up in the morning no matter what. In the coldest most gloomy days, the sun shows up. In the rainiest days, the sun makes an effort to show up. The sun is always there on my bad days, and my good days. The sun makes me happy. 
 Summer is my favorite season because the sun is extra sunny in summer. The sun is there every day guiding me through my day. 
The sun keeps me warm. When it is cold, the sun hugs me until I feel warm, inside and out. When I wake up and see the sun, it revives me. I counted the minutes until I could go home and talk to the sun. The sun always keeps me company.  
The sun keeps me alive. Everything needs the sun in order to grow; plants need the sun, food needs the sun, and I need my sun. The sun makes sure I am always healthy and fueled. Even though the sun has its bad days, it makes sure I have my good ones.  
The sun is the strongest thing I have ever seen. It fights the moon to make sure everything and everyone is okay. The sun has been together for so long, and it's stronger than ever. The sun has been supporting me for 15 years, it made sure I was healthy by blessing me with fruits and vegetables, and it made sure I was happy by blessing me with the prettiest flowers. The sun is my best friend.  

The author's comments:

My piece is about my application for my family because i would not be here today it was not for them. I used a metaphor comparing the sun to my family. - Mennatallah Husien 

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