Grandmother's Ring | Teen Ink

Grandmother's Ring

November 17, 2023
By josephine_danielski12 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
josephine_danielski12 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
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Yesterday, my dad said he was taking my family down to a pond to go fishing and stay in my grandmother's old cabin. Everyone was excited, except me. I hated fishing and being in the woods with all the bugs, I couldn’t stand mosquitoes sucking up my blood! 
“Mom,” I said, “can’t I just stay home?”
“No Anna, it’s going to be fun!” she answered.
We drove for an hour and then we got to a dead end. We parked and had to walk a mile to get to the pond and the cabin.
The first thing I saw was the old brown cabin. It was surrounded by birch trees. The cabin was tiny with the roof covered in leaves and mold. My grandmother hadn’t been in the cabin for a decade so everything inside was covered in spider webs. For a second, I thought that I should run back to the car and try driving myself home, even though I didn’t remember how to get back. 
“Come on!” my mom yelled to us. “Time to go fishing!”
My brothers cheered as they ran outside and onto the dock, as I slowly walked. The dock creaked as my family stood waiting for my dad to tell us to get on the row boat.
The rowboat looked like it was from the 1940s and as my dad rowed towards the dock, I could see all the dead bugs inside the boat and the spider webs that were stuck on the side of it. I almost threw up when I saw the dead grasshopper right on the seat next to my dad. But, my brothers began pushing and pulling me into the row boat where my dad was waiting.
As we started to row toward the middle of the pond, my brothers threw their lure into the water and started fishing. Minutes went by and they hadn’t even gotten a tug until 
“I got one! I got one!” my brother yelled as he started tugging his fishing rod. “Help me, Anna!”
I ran over and started pulling the fishing rod with my brother. “It’s too strong!” my brother said as he let go. The next thing I knew, I was under the water. 
Splash I went as I fell into the murky water where all the fish were. I almost hit a rock on the bottom before I started to swim up.
As I swam up, I could hear my parents and brothers laughing like it was the funniest thing they ever saw and I could feel my face heat up. Why must I stay at this disgusting place with all these bugs? I thought, Why’d I have to help my brother with that stupid fish we were going to throw back into the water? I was going to scream but couldn’t make any noise until I got to the surface.
“Ugh!” I screamed. “That’s it! I’m going home!” I started swimming towards the edge of the pond and ran out of the water and started running towards the trail that goes back to the car.
“Anna,” my mom called to me, “This trip is supposed to be fun!”
But I wasn’t having it, as I ran I kept thinking This is not fun, why couldn’t I just stay home? It doesn’t matter, I will run away and go home. I hate this place, I hate it!
I started to feel tired of running so I decided to go and sit on a rock. As I sat there, I noticed something shimmering under a birch tree. I slowly crept over and looked and it was a diamond ring!
“Woah,” I said, “This is so cool! I wonder who’s it is.” Then it hit me, I’ve seen this ring before, it’s my grandmother’s diamond ring that she lost in the 40s. I’ve seen it in tons of photos back from when she was a young lady. She never knew what happened to it and she was always wondering if she could ever get it back. But now, in this abandoned raccoon nest, I was holding the most precious family heirloom I’ve ever seen.
As I sat in awe, my mom and dad caught up to me. “Anna,” my mom said, “There you are! What’s that in your hands-”
“It’s my mother's old diamond ring! Anna, how’d you find that?” my dad asked in disbelief. As I steadily got off the rock, I handed the ring to my dad.
“It was under this tree! I didn’t know what it was at first, but then I realized. It's my grandmother's diamond ring!” I answered. 
We walked back to the cabin and then my parents told me that someone special was coming for dinner. As I and my brothers patiently waited for dinnertime, we fished and swam in the pond and helped our parents clean up the inside of the cabin.
As it got dark out, we all sat at the dinner table. 
“Knock! Knock!” the door went.
“We got it! We got it!” my brothers yelled as they ran to the door.
“Surprise!” I heard someone say. It sounded like…
“Grandmother!” they yelled as she walked through the door and a grin shot across my face. I was so happy to see her after what I had found that day. I ran over to my bedroom and rushed back to the table with my hand behind my back.
“Hi Anna honey!” my grandmother said as she hugged me, “What’s that you have in your hand?”
I smiled as my mom said, “She found something extraordinary she wants to show you.”
I turned my hand and opened it, “My ring!” my grandmother exclaimed, “After all these years! You found my old diamond ring!” As she put it on, it shined like a star about to explode. It fit her perfectly, even after 70 years.
“I’m so glad I could give it back to you, Grandmother Anna!” I said as she kissed my cheek.
“I knew you were special, Anna.” she said as she grinned, “Besides you were named after me!” We all laughed. It was good to feel happy after the day I had.
The rest of dinner, Grandmother told us about the first time she came to the cabin, the day she lost her ring. “That raccoon was very sneaky. But, I’m so glad that I finally have it back!” she said as she looked at the ring and I could see in her eyes the joy I brought to her.
The next morning, as we packed up, I strolled over to the pond. As I looked into the murky water I saw something shimmering.
“What is that?” I thought. I dipped my hand in and grabbed it. As I pulled it out of the water, I realized it was a photo.
“Wow,” I said, “Look at this photo! It looks old.”
The photo was of the cabin. A girl was standing in front of it. That’s when I realized that it was my grandmother! I learned later that it was when they first bought the cabin, and if I looked close enough I could see a raccoon in the window, stealing the diamond ring.
I am relieved that I can finally know the truth about what happened to my grandmother's diamond ring. Looking back, I don’t know why I didn’t want to go to the cabin in the first place. It is my favorite place in the world now, and I go there every single weekend. I’ve learned to never judge a place because of a bad experience, and that I should always try to find the good side of things.

The author's comments:

Hi there! My name is Josephine and this is my first book with Teen Ink! I've always loved to write little stories and create different characters. I like to put my heart into my characters and try to think what they would be like if I met them on the street. I hope my readers will enjoy this story and that they will connect with my main character or any of the other characters in my story.


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