Forward | Teen Ink


November 7, 2023
By Sudhanshubhagwatt_ BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Sudhanshubhagwatt_ BRONZE, Cupertino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a dark, rainy night in Winter break, and I was playing Fortnite on my Playstation when I remembered that I had a test for my math class which was tomorrow. Oh shoot! I thought. I have a math test tomorrow, I have to study for it! I quickly scrambled to my computer to check what my test was on. When I checked the Google Classroom, it said that the test would be on patterns and graphing. I thought, "Oh this stuff is so easy, I’m just going to play Fortnite.” I went back to my living room and turned on the Playstation and played with my friends all the way until midnight when we got the victory royale. I then went to sleep, not stressing about my test at all. The next morning, I woke up at 7:00 AM, and the rain was still pouring and rumbling. I got up and then went to get ready for my class. When I got to my class, she gave out the tests, and I took a glance at what was on it. My confidence was all gone. As soon as I saw that test, I instantly regretted my actions. The test was so hard, I didn’t even know half the things that were on it. I ended up not even being able to answer half of the questions on the test. I knew my parents were gonna kill me. I went home after math class, and my parents asked me, “How did the test go?” I ended up lying to them, saying that I did really well on the test. After that conversation, I went on with my day and just ended up getting back on Fortnite. The next day, I went to my class again, and the teacher said we were getting our test results. When I heard this, I was so nervous and anxious. I knew I failed the test. My thoughts were racing, thinking, what are my parents gonna do to me? Are they gonna ground me for the rest of my life? The teacher then called my name, and I headed to her, shaking while I was walking. I looked at my paper, and I was devastated. I got a 6/35. I was so scared and shocked that I felt like I was gonna pass out, because I didn’t want to get in trouble with my parents. I sat through the rest of class with an empty notebook until the bell rang, and I had to finally tell the truth to my parents. I got into my mom’s car and she asked me, “What did you get on the test?” I replied in a trembling voice, “I-I got- 6/35.” “How did you do so terrible, you told me you studied! You even told me you were confident about your test!” “Well, I lied. I actually didn’t study, I was playing Fortnite.” My mom was furious. I have never seen her get so pissed off at me before. She then blurted, “Me and you are going to have a big talk when you get home.

This long story finally brings me to my lesson; use your mistakes to better yourself in the future. I learned from my mistake of not studying for my test, and for the next test I had I made sure I studied for it. I ended up getting a full score on that test. Use your mistakes to move forward in life.

The author's comments:

For my set piece, I tried to teach my reader a lesson on how you should learn from your mistakes to better yourself. I tried changing the mood of the story when I got my test back by expressing how I felt and how my emotions were. I got inspired to write this set piece because of the philosophy presentation, so I decided to teach some more parts of my own philosophy.

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