First Recital | Teen Ink

First Recital

November 6, 2023
By Anonymous

Her fingers danced across the keys, hitting all the right notes and rhythms that she had practiced tirelessly. She didn’t take her eyes off her fingers, pressuring herself not to make a mistake. 

Don’t choke, she said to herself. Don’t choke. There was no noise besides the sounds coming out of the piano, and her fast breaths. Her fingers were shaking violently. A whisper ran through the audience, she didn’t know what they were saying but worried it was something about her playing

Don’t think like that, she said to herself. Don’t think like that. She was pressing the keys with force, going past the speed she had practiced in. She was trying to finish up as soon as possible. The piano shook under the force she put on it. All her blood, sweat, and tears were evident throughout her playing, and all the passion she had for making music. 

You can do it, she said to herself. You can do it. For a moment she believed in herself. The belief didn’t last long before her doubts crept back into her head. 

Don’t let it get to your head, she said to herself. Don’t let it get to your head. She began to slow down, not able to remember the next part of the piece. Her fingers fumbled around the keys, her focus was falling apart, and she tried to keep going hoping no one would notice her mistakes. You're going to mess it up, the doubts told her. She was grasping for any bit of belief she had in herself, but she kept losing grip of it. All that time spent practicing would have gone to waste if she messed up. All that time telling herself she was going to sound great would’ve been lies. Her mind was racing, but she couldn’t lift her eyes off the keys. Don’t stop, she said to herself. Don’t stop. 

There were a few quiet mumbles in the audience, but she tried to ignore the on going voice in head telling her she was going to mess up. She didn’t stop playing, she didn’t stop believing, and when she was done playing she embraced the applause from everyone watching her. The warmth of belief was with her, and she didn’t let herself let it go this time. You did it, she said to herself. You did it.

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