Heat of the Race | Teen Ink

Heat of the Race

October 16, 2023
By AugustDre BRONZE, Dresser, Wisconsin
AugustDre BRONZE, Dresser, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Welcome to the 2043 Las Vegas Grand Prix! 20th Anniversary of the opening of this magnificent race track. Who’s ready for a Sunday morning filled with speed?” the announcer booms over the speakers on the TV in the corner of the kitchen as Eddie flips the hashbrowns, burnt on one side from his lack of concentration.

“Just wish we could be there,” I say under my breath trying to hide my pessimism from Kate. 

But of course, she heard and retorted, “Be thankful we don't have to be standing out in this heat, the thermometer says it's 107℉ outside, and we aren't even in a desert.”

“Facts, this heat is probably going to cause problems for the cars, they aren't meant to run in temps this hot.” Eddie agrees.

“Okay but imagine actually being there. Not here listening to the processed noise of the engine coming through the speakers, but there, hearing it directly from the source as it comes then passes in the blink of an eye.” I say imagining it in all its glorious splendor.

What I wasn’t imagining was the heat the spectators were feeling, which the announcer made me very aware of. 

“The heat stroke toll is up to 26 here today including one driver, Checito Perez.”

“Sheesh, 26 already? I knew the heat was getting worse but this is starting to seem dangerous.” Kate says worried as always. 

“Fine maybe I don't want to be there today but it’s definitely still on my bucket list,” I respond stubbornly, not willing to give in

“Hey, quiet y’all. Race is about to begin” says Eddie walking into the living room with our breakfasts, two eggs and hashbrowns for Eddie and I, only one egg for Kate. 

“The drivers are lined up, let's get this thing underway” and with that, the room was silent except for the sounds of the engines revving, over the speakers, in anticipation for the lights to go out.

We have a rule not to talk in the first lap, it always seems like bad luck. Just after Matt Verstappen finishes up the first lap with Tommy Leclerc and Jeff Sainz right on his tail, we all let out a celebratory “Wooo” at the same time. Though the woo was for different reasons. I cheered for Verstappen, they were cheering for Leclerc and Sainz. 

We watch our favorite drivers switch positions, each trying desperately to keep P1 in their hands.

My eggs were gone and I was halfway done with my hashbrowns by the time they were on their 6th lap.

“OH NO, It appears something has happened down on the track. It seems like Verstappen is having some engine troubles, his car has completely shut down!”

“I can’t believe this is happening…”  I squeak defeatedly.

“Yes! This is our chance!” Kate cheers.

Then the announcer comes on again “Looks like it’s not just Verstappen having problems, 2 more drivers just reported their engines had shut off due to overheating, the race will be temporarily suspended as the FIA decides what to do.”

“I knew this was going to happen,” Said Eddie arrogantly, “should’ve run the race at night.”

“Yeah yeah yeah, you’re always right Eddie.” I say sarcastically.

The announcer starts again “The race will be restarted at 10 P.M. when it will hopefully be cool enough for the cars to run properly. It will be a complete restart using the positions determined in the qualifiers.”

“Yeah that’s right, I am always right.” Eddie says with a smug little face.

“Well, now my sleep schedule is gonna be all messed up.” Kate complains

“Go take a nap then, grandma.” I mock. So much for a Sunday morning filled with speed I guess.

The author's comments:

This story is about the possible future of F1 as global temperatures rise. 

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